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100%: Rosa, Floie: FIRST JOURNAL story & sketch for kids (ISBN: 9787928100029) Floie Rosa.
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100%: Rosa, Floie: FIRST JOURNAL - Story & Sketch for Kids (ISBN: 9784980182857) Ionescu Florentina, Taschenbuch.
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FIRST JOURNAL story & sketch for kids - 2 Angebote vergleichen
Bester Preis: € 9,99 (vom 02.02.2021)1
FIRST JOURNAL - Story & Sketch for Kids
ISBN: 9784980182857 bzw. 4980182852, Sprache unbekannt, Ionescu Florentina, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten.
STORY & SKETCH NOTEBOOK it's a large notebook 8.5x11 in./21.6x27.9 cm to serve you as a storybook, your own storybook! Contain 120 Pages of primary story and handwriting paper to let your kids' imagination run and at the same time to help them practice handwriting paper and increase children's creativity. Every page contains a space on the top half and primary ruled lines on the bottom half of the page, just great for the first story! Features of this book: -beautiful, attractive cover; -120 pages, large notebook 8.5x 11 inches; - every page contain space for the story and lined paper for handwriting practice; -increase creativity and let imagination run.
STORY & SKETCH NOTEBOOK it's a large notebook 8.5x11 in./21.6x27.9 cm to serve you as a storybook, your own storybook! Contain 120 Pages of primary story and handwriting paper to let your kids' imagination run and at the same time to help them practice handwriting paper and increase children's creativity. Every page contains a space on the top half and primary ruled lines on the bottom half of the page, just great for the first story! Features of this book: -beautiful, attractive cover; -120 pages, large notebook 8.5x 11 inches; - every page contain space for the story and lined paper for handwriting practice; -increase creativity and let imagination run.
FIRST JOURNAL story & sketch for kids
ISBN: 9787928100029 bzw. 7928100029, Sprache unbekannt, Floie Rosa, neu.
Lieferung aus: Österreich, zzgl. Versandkosten.
STORY & SKETCH NOTEBOOK it's a large notebook 8.5x11 in./21.6x27.9 cm to serve you as a storybook, your own storybook! Contain 120 Pages of primary story and handwriting paper to let your kids' imagination run and at the same time to help them practice handwriting paper and increase children's creativity. Every page contains a space on the top half and primary ruled lines on the bottom half of the page, just great for the first story! Features of this book: -beautiful, attractive cover; -120 pages, large notebook 8.5x 11 inches; - every page contain space for the story and lined paper for handwriting practice; -increase creativity and let imagination run.
STORY & SKETCH NOTEBOOK it's a large notebook 8.5x11 in./21.6x27.9 cm to serve you as a storybook, your own storybook! Contain 120 Pages of primary story and handwriting paper to let your kids' imagination run and at the same time to help them practice handwriting paper and increase children's creativity. Every page contains a space on the top half and primary ruled lines on the bottom half of the page, just great for the first story! Features of this book: -beautiful, attractive cover; -120 pages, large notebook 8.5x 11 inches; - every page contain space for the story and lined paper for handwriting practice; -increase creativity and let imagination run.