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A History of Spanish Painting, Volume VI-Part 2, The Valencian School in the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance100%: Chandler Rathfon Post: A History of Spanish Painting, Volume VI-Part 2, The Valencian School in the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance (ISBN: 9780674600331) 2014, Harvard University Press Mai 2014, in Englisch, Band: 6.
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A History of Spanish Painting, Volume VI-Part 1, The Valencian School in the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance85%: Chandler Rathfon Post: A History of Spanish Painting, Volume VI-Part 1, The Valencian School in the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance (ISBN: 9780674599765) 2014, Harvard University Press Mai 2014, in Englisch, Band: 6.
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A History of Spanish Painting, Volume VI-Part 2, The Valencian School in the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance
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Bester Preis: 50,14 (vom 09.12.2016)
9780674600331 - Chandler Rathfon Post: A History of Spanish Painting, Volume VI-Part 2, The Valencian School in the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance
Chandler Rathfon Post

A History of Spanish Painting, Volume VI-Part 2, The Valencian School in the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance (2014)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland EN NW RP

ISBN: 9780674600331 bzw. 0674600339, Band: 6, in Englisch, Harvard University Press Mai 2014, neu, Nachdruck.

50,14 ($ 53,20)¹ + Versand: 29,91 ($ 31,74)¹ = 80,05 ($ 84,94)¹
Von Händler/Antiquariat, AHA-BUCH GmbH [51283250], Einbeck, Germany.
This item is printed on demand - Print on Demand Neuware - 340 pp. Englisch.
9780674599765 - Chandler Rathfon Post: A History of Spanish Painting, Volume VI-Part 1, The Valencian School in the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance
Chandler Rathfon Post

A History of Spanish Painting, Volume VI-Part 1, The Valencian School in the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance (2014)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland EN NW RP

ISBN: 9780674599765 bzw. 0674599764, Band: 6, in Englisch, Harvard University Press Mai 2014, neu, Nachdruck.

50,14 ($ 53,20)¹ + Versand: 29,91 ($ 31,74)¹ = 80,05 ($ 84,94)¹
Von Händler/Antiquariat, AHA-BUCH GmbH [51283250], Einbeck, Germany.
This item is printed on demand - Print on Demand Neuware - 368 pp. Englisch.