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100%: Owen M. Fiss: The Irony of Free Speech (ISBN: 9780674466616) in Englisch, Taschenbuch.
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100%: Owen M. Fiss: The Irony of Free Speech (ISBN: 9780674466609) Harvard University Press, in Englisch, Broschiert.
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Bester Preis: € 1,87 (vom 10.02.2017)1
The Irony of Free Speech
ISBN: 9780674466616 bzw. 0674466616, in Englisch, Harvard University Press, United States of America, neu.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, in-stock.
How free is the speech of someone who can't be heard? Not very-and this, Owen Fiss suggests, is where the First Amendment comes in. In this book, a marvel of conciseness and eloquence, Fiss reframes the debate over free speech to reflect the First Amendment's role in ensuring public debate that is, in Justice William Brennan's words, truly "uninhibited, robust, and wide-open."Hate speech, pornography, campaign spending, funding for the arts: the heated, often overheated, struggle over these issues generally pits liberty, as embodied in the First Amendment, against equality, as in the Fourteenth. Fiss presents a democratic view of the First Amendment that transcends this opposition. If equal participation is a precondition of free and open public debate, then the First Amendment encompasses the values of both equality and liberty. By examining the silencing effects of speech-its power to overwhelm and intimidate the underfunded, underrepresented, or disadvantaged voice-Fiss shows how restrictions on political expenditures, hate speech, and pornography can be defended in terms of the First Amendment, not despite it. Similarly, when the state requires the media to air voices of opposition, or funds art that presents controversial or challenging points of view, it is doing its constitutional part to protect democratic self-rule from the aggregations of private power that threaten it. Where most liberal accounts cast the state as the enemy of freedom and the First Amendment as a restraint, this one reminds us that the state can also be the friend of freedom, protecting and fostering speech that might otherwise die unheard, depriving our democracy of the full range and richness of its expression.
How free is the speech of someone who can't be heard? Not very-and this, Owen Fiss suggests, is where the First Amendment comes in. In this book, a marvel of conciseness and eloquence, Fiss reframes the debate over free speech to reflect the First Amendment's role in ensuring public debate that is, in Justice William Brennan's words, truly "uninhibited, robust, and wide-open."Hate speech, pornography, campaign spending, funding for the arts: the heated, often overheated, struggle over these issues generally pits liberty, as embodied in the First Amendment, against equality, as in the Fourteenth. Fiss presents a democratic view of the First Amendment that transcends this opposition. If equal participation is a precondition of free and open public debate, then the First Amendment encompasses the values of both equality and liberty. By examining the silencing effects of speech-its power to overwhelm and intimidate the underfunded, underrepresented, or disadvantaged voice-Fiss shows how restrictions on political expenditures, hate speech, and pornography can be defended in terms of the First Amendment, not despite it. Similarly, when the state requires the media to air voices of opposition, or funds art that presents controversial or challenging points of view, it is doing its constitutional part to protect democratic self-rule from the aggregations of private power that threaten it. Where most liberal accounts cast the state as the enemy of freedom and the First Amendment as a restraint, this one reminds us that the state can also be the friend of freedom, protecting and fostering speech that might otherwise die unheard, depriving our democracy of the full range and richness of its expression.
The Irony of Free Speech
ISBN: 9780674466616 bzw. 0674466616, in Englisch, Harvard, neu.
Lieferung aus: Kanada, In Stock, plus shipping.
Owen Fiss, Books, Reference and Language, The Irony of Free Speech, How free is the speech of someone who can't be heard? Not very--and this, Owen Fiss suggests, is where the First Amendment comes in. In this book, a marvel of conciseness and eloquence, Fiss reframes the debate over free speech to reflect the First Amendment's role in ensuring public debate that is, in Justice William Brennan's words, truly uninhibited, robust, and wide-open.Hate speech, pornography, campaign spending, funding for the arts: the heated, often overheated, struggle over these issues generally pits liberty, as embodied in the First Amendment, against equality, as in the Fourteenth. Fiss presents a democratic view of the First Amendment that transcends this opposition. If equal participation is a precondition of free and open public debate, then the First Amendment encompasses the values of both equality and liberty.By examining the silencing effects of speech--its power to overwhelm and intimidate the underfunded, underrepresented, or disadvantaged voice--Fiss shows how restrictions on political expenditures, hate speech, and pornography can be defended in terms of the First Amendment, not despite it. Similarly, when the state requires the media to air voices of opposition, or funds art that presents controversial or challenging points of view, it is doing its constitutional part to protect democratic self-rule from the aggregations of private power that threaten it.Where most liberal accounts cast the state as the enemy of freedom and the First Amendment as a restraint, this one reminds us that the state can also be the friend of freedom, protecting and fostering speech that might otherwise die unheard, depriving our democracy of the full range and richness of its expression.
Owen Fiss, Books, Reference and Language, The Irony of Free Speech, How free is the speech of someone who can't be heard? Not very--and this, Owen Fiss suggests, is where the First Amendment comes in. In this book, a marvel of conciseness and eloquence, Fiss reframes the debate over free speech to reflect the First Amendment's role in ensuring public debate that is, in Justice William Brennan's words, truly uninhibited, robust, and wide-open.Hate speech, pornography, campaign spending, funding for the arts: the heated, often overheated, struggle over these issues generally pits liberty, as embodied in the First Amendment, against equality, as in the Fourteenth. Fiss presents a democratic view of the First Amendment that transcends this opposition. If equal participation is a precondition of free and open public debate, then the First Amendment encompasses the values of both equality and liberty.By examining the silencing effects of speech--its power to overwhelm and intimidate the underfunded, underrepresented, or disadvantaged voice--Fiss shows how restrictions on political expenditures, hate speech, and pornography can be defended in terms of the First Amendment, not despite it. Similarly, when the state requires the media to air voices of opposition, or funds art that presents controversial or challenging points of view, it is doing its constitutional part to protect democratic self-rule from the aggregations of private power that threaten it.Where most liberal accounts cast the state as the enemy of freedom and the First Amendment as a restraint, this one reminds us that the state can also be the friend of freedom, protecting and fostering speech that might otherwise die unheard, depriving our democracy of the full range and richness of its expression.
Irony of Free Speech
ISBN: 9780674466616 bzw. 0674466616, in Englisch, Triliteral, Taschenbuch, gebraucht.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock.
9780674466616,0674466616,irony,free,speech,owen,fiss, Excellent Marketplace listings for "Irony of Free Speech" by Owen M. Fiss starting as low as $1.99! Paperback, Shipping to USA only!
9780674466616,0674466616,irony,free,speech,owen,fiss, Excellent Marketplace listings for "Irony of Free Speech" by Owen M. Fiss starting as low as $1.99! Paperback, Shipping to USA only!
The Irony of Free Speech
ISBN: 0674466616 bzw. 9780674466616, in Englisch, Harvard University Press, gebraucht.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock.
civil procedure,civil rights,civil rights and liberties,constitutional law,democracy,education and reference,government,ideologies and doctrines,law,political ideologies, While lawmakers, both liberal and conservative, argue that the state's attempts to limit everything from hate speech to indecency on the Internet and contributions to political campaigns confines individual freedom, Owen M. Fiss, a Sterling Professor at Yale Law School, believes that censorship, to some degree, enhances freedom by broadening "the terms of public discussion." Victims of hate speech and pornography, he contends, are often silenced out of fear or low self-worth, inhibiting their full participation not only in deliberation but in life. Silencing the voices of some in order to hear the voices of others, he maintains, is often the only way to reinforce public debate.
civil procedure,civil rights,civil rights and liberties,constitutional law,democracy,education and reference,government,ideologies and doctrines,law,political ideologies, While lawmakers, both liberal and conservative, argue that the state's attempts to limit everything from hate speech to indecency on the Internet and contributions to political campaigns confines individual freedom, Owen M. Fiss, a Sterling Professor at Yale Law School, believes that censorship, to some degree, enhances freedom by broadening "the terms of public discussion." Victims of hate speech and pornography, he contends, are often silenced out of fear or low self-worth, inhibiting their full participation not only in deliberation but in life. Silencing the voices of some in order to hear the voices of others, he maintains, is often the only way to reinforce public debate.
The Irony of Free Speech
ISBN: 0674466608 bzw. 9780674466609, in Englisch, Harvard University Press, gebraucht.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock.
civil procedure,civil rights,civil rights and liberties,constitutional law,democracy,education and reference,government,ideologies and doctrines,law,political ideologies, While lawmakers, both liberal and conservative, argue that the state's attempts to limit everything from hate speech to indecency on the Internet and contributions to political campaigns confines individual freedom, Owen M. Fiss, a Sterling Professor at Yale Law School, believes that censorship, to some degree, enhances freedom by broadening "the terms of public discussion." Victims of hate speech and pornography, he contends, are often silenced out of fear or low self-worth, inhibiting their full participation not only in deliberation but in life. Silencing the voices of some in order to hear the voices of others, he maintains, is often the only way to reinforce public debate.
civil procedure,civil rights,civil rights and liberties,constitutional law,democracy,education and reference,government,ideologies and doctrines,law,political ideologies, While lawmakers, both liberal and conservative, argue that the state's attempts to limit everything from hate speech to indecency on the Internet and contributions to political campaigns confines individual freedom, Owen M. Fiss, a Sterling Professor at Yale Law School, believes that censorship, to some degree, enhances freedom by broadening "the terms of public discussion." Victims of hate speech and pornography, he contends, are often silenced out of fear or low self-worth, inhibiting their full participation not only in deliberation but in life. Silencing the voices of some in order to hear the voices of others, he maintains, is often the only way to reinforce public debate.