The Green Helmet and Other Poems - ein Angebot gefunden

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9791041986897 - Yeats, William Butler: The Green Helmet and Other Poems
Yeats, William Butler

The Green Helmet and Other Poems (1910)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Österreich ~FR NW

ISBN: 9791041986897 bzw. 1041986890, vermutlich in Französisch, Culturea, neu.

12,40 + Versand: 6,95 = 19,35
Lieferung aus: Österreich, Versandfertig in 1-2 Wochen.
"The Green Helmet and Other Poems" is a collection of poetry by the Irish poet William Butler Yeats. Published in 1910, this collection reflects Yeats's exploration of themes such as love, nature, mysticism, and the mythology of Ireland. The title poem, "The Green Helmet," is known for its use of symbolism and explores the themes of love and desire. In addition to the titular poem, the collection includes a variety of other works that showcase Yeats's distinctive poetic style and his engagement with Irish folklore and traditions. Yeats, a key figure in the Irish Literary Revival and a Nobel laureate in Literature, is celebrated for his contributions to modernist poetry. His work often incorporates elements of Irish mythology and the occult, and he was a co-founder of the Abbey Theatre in Dublin. "The Green Helmet and Other Poems" provides readers with a glimpse into Yeats's evolving poetic vision during this period. Immerse yourself in the lyrical and symbolic world of W. B. Yeats as he weaves together themes of love, mythology, and the complexities of the human experience.
Kategorie: Buch Buch > Belletristik > Lyrik, Dramatik, Essays
Schlüsselwörter: The Green Helmet and Other Poems;Yeats, William Butler;9791041986897
Daten vom 02.03.2024 03:51h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 10-419-8689-0, 979-10-419-8689-7
Zuerst gefunden: 02.03.2024 03:51:20
Zuletzt gefunden: 02.03.2024 03:51:20
Kleinster Preis: 12,00 (vom 02.03.2024 03:51:20)
Höchster Preis: 12,40 (vom 02.03.2024 03:51:20)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 2

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The Green Helmet and Other PoemsYeats, William Butler: The Green Helmet and Other Poems
ISBN: 9791041986897

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