The Impact of PICTA on Alcohol and Tobacco Industries in Forum Island Countries
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9789820108554 - Wadan Lal Narsey: The Impact of PICTA on Alcohol and Tobacco Industries in Forum Island Countries
Wadan Lal Narsey

The Impact of PICTA on Alcohol and Tobacco Industries in Forum Island Countries (2010)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN PB US SI

ISBN: 9789820108554 bzw. 9820108551, in Englisch, 114 Seiten, The University of the South Pacific, Taschenbuch, gebraucht, signiert.

28,66 ($ 29,99)¹ + Versand: 16,20 ($ 16,95)¹ = 44,86 ($ 46,94)¹
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Von Händler/Antiquariat, masalaipress.
Regional integration has been a "buzz word" for Pacific Island Countries (PIC's) for more than a decade, with many agreements signed, such as the most recent and comprehensive one, The Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA). It has been expected that PICTA will increase the effective market for all PIC producers so that companies can experience greater competition, with the most efficient being able to expand production and achieve economies of scale, thereby benefiting all consumers. Such regional integration is also supposed to be a 'learning ground' or 'stepping stone' for PIC producers, governments and trade officials, who are all expected to thereby become better prepared for integration with the wider world through broader agreements such as PACER (with Australia and NZ), and the World Trade Organisation rules. PICTA has unfortunately failed ot take off. What little trade that has occurred, such Vanuatu kava exports to Fiji, have faced the usual protectionist pressures from local producers who vehemently resist greater competition from other PICs. It is extremely likely that any trade and greater competition that occurs under PICTA will face similar resistance. This study of the alcohol and tobacco industries, which are not currently part of PICTA illustrates clearly the nature of the tensions that will arise if and when PICTA rules are applied to these two products and free trade in the future includes Australia and NZ under a likely PACER agreement. The study makes recommendations as to how the alcohol and tobacco products can be includes in the PICTA trade while protecting the considerable tax revenues that PIC governments derive from them. The study also illustrates the whole range of problems (such as disagreements over Rules of Origin issues, health and safety issues, and a number of other trade-related technical matters) that would need to be resolved when trade does get instigated under PICTA. Paperback, Label: The University of the South Pacific, The University of the South Pacific, Produktgruppe: Book, Publiziert: 2010, Studio: The University of the South Pacific.
Schlüsselwörter: Arts & Photography, Biographies & Memoirs, Business & Money, Calendars, Children's Books, Christian Books & Bibles, Comics & Graphic Novels, Computers & Technology, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Crafts, Hobbies & Home, Education & Teaching, Engineering & Transportation, Gay & Lesbian, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Humor & Entertainment, Law, Literature & Fiction, Medical Books, Mystery, Thriller & Suspense, Parenting & Relationships, Politics & Social Sciences, Reference, Religion & Spirituality, Romance, Science & Math, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Self-Help, Sports & Outdoors, Teen & Young Adult, Test Preparation, Travel
Daten vom 27.12.2016 15:47h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 982-01-0855-1, 978-982-01-0855-4
Zuerst gefunden: 27.12.2016 15:47:48
Zuletzt gefunden: 27.12.2016 15:47:48
Kleinster Preis: 28,66 (vom 27.12.2016 15:47:48)
Höchster Preis: 28,66 (vom 27.12.2016 15:47:48)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1

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The Impact of PICTA on Alcohol and Tobacco Industries in Forum Island CountriesWadan Lal Narsey: The Impact of PICTA on Alcohol and Tobacco Industries in Forum Island Countries
ISBN: 9789820108554

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