Die Deutsche Wehrmacht 1934-1945. Uniform Der Unteroffizierschulen Des Heeres
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Die Deutsche Wehrmacht 1934-1945. Uniform Der Unteroffizierschulen Des Heeres (1945)
ISBN: 8763881195 bzw. 9788763881197, vermutlich in Deutsch, Ordens-Sammlung.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, zzgl. Versandkosten, Versandgebiet: EUR.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Military History Bookshop, Kent, Folkestone, [RE:5].
Uniforms, Dress & Insignia-General A concise pamphlet with German text illustrating The insignia of the NCO schools. Includes a list of schools with their speciality. UL-XXXXXX. 8pp, 9 ills.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Military History Bookshop, Kent, Folkestone, [RE:5].
Uniforms, Dress & Insignia-General A concise pamphlet with German text illustrating The insignia of the NCO schools. Includes a list of schools with their speciality. UL-XXXXXX. 8pp, 9 ills.
Die Deutsche Wehrmacht 1934-1945. Uniform Der Unteroffizierschulen Des Heeres (1945)
ISBN: 8763881195 bzw. 9788763881197, vermutlich in Deutsch, Ordens-Sammlung.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, zzgl. Versandkosten, Versandgebiet: EUR.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Military History Bookshop, Kent, Folkestone, [RE:2].
Uniforms, Dress & Insignia-General A concise pamphlet with German text illustrating The insignia of the NCO schools. Includes a list of schools with their speciality. UL-XXXXXX. 8pp, 9 ills.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Military History Bookshop, Kent, Folkestone, [RE:2].
Uniforms, Dress & Insignia-General A concise pamphlet with German text illustrating The insignia of the NCO schools. Includes a list of schools with their speciality. UL-XXXXXX. 8pp, 9 ills.