Ivories and Narwhal Tusks at Rosenborg Castle: Catalogue of Carved and Turned Ivories and Narwhal Tusks in the Royal Danish Collec
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9788763545938 - Jørgen Hein: Ivories And Narwhal Tusks At Rosenborg Castle: Catalogue Of Carved And Turned Ivories And Narwhal Tusks In The Royal Danish Collec
Jørgen Hein

Ivories And Narwhal Tusks At Rosenborg Castle: Catalogue Of Carved And Turned Ivories And Narwhal Tusks In The Royal Danish Collec

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Kanada NW

ISBN: 9788763545938 bzw. 8763545934, Sprache unbekannt, Museum Tusculanum Press, neu.

C$ 260,00
Lieferung aus: Kanada, På lager, plus forsendelse.
Jørgen Hein, Books, Art and Architecture, Ivories And Narwhal Tusks At Rosenborg Castle: Catalogue Of Carved And Turned Ivories And Narwhal Tusks In The Royal Danish Collec, This extraordinary two-volume catalog presents five hundred objects made of ivory and narwhal tusk from the Royal Danish Collection at Copenhagen’s Rosenborg Castle. Jørgen Hein showcases and explains a remarkable range of carved and turned works (including small-scale statues, reliefs, drinkware, and decor) from Denmark, Europe, and beyond. The first major presentation of this impressive collection, this book includes more than seven hundred high-quality photographs.
9788763545938 - Jorgen Hein: Ivories and Narwhal Tusks at Rosenborg Castle: Catalogue of Carved and Turned Ivories and Narwhal Tusks in the Royal Danish Collec
Jorgen Hein

Ivories and Narwhal Tusks at Rosenborg Castle: Catalogue of Carved and Turned Ivories and Narwhal Tusks in the Royal Danish Collec (1875)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika HC NW

ISBN: 9788763545938 bzw. 8763545934, Sprache unbekannt, Museum Tusculanum Press, gebundenes Buch, neu.

Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, På lager, plus forsendelse.
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