Lost & Found - 2 Angebote vergleichen

Bester Preis: 18,00 (vom 10.03.2019)

Lost & Found

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland PB NW

ISBN: 9788763534000 bzw. 8763534002, Sprache unbekannt, Museum Tusculanum Press, Taschenbuch, neu.

18,99 + Versand: 6,95 = 25,94
Presents a series of original queer theoretical and artistic contributions relating the archive and writing of history to gender and sexuality. This book investigates how experiences and histories not shared and lived by the majority are remembered and told in an alternative language. It contains 4 essays and the works of 13 contemporary artists. Presents a series of original queer theoretical and artistic contributions relating the archive and writing of history to gender and sexuality. This book investigates how experiences and histories not shared and lived by the majority are remembered and told in an alternative language. It contains 4 essays and the works of 13 contemporary artists. Erscheint vorauss. 11. April 2019 Lieferzeit 1-2 Werktage.
Mathias Danbolt

Lost & Found - Queerying the Archive

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland DE PB NW

ISBN: 9788763534000 bzw. 8763534002, in Deutsch, Museum Tusculanum Press, Taschenbuch, neu.

18,00 + Versand: 9,90 = 27,90
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, Gratis forsendelse.
Lost & Found: Presents a series of original queer theoretical and artistic contributions relating the archive and writing of history to gender and sexuality. This book investigates how experiences and histories not shared and lived by the majority are remembered and told in an alternative language. It contains 4 essays and the works of 13 contemporary artists. Taschenbuch.