Traditional Inuit Songs from the Thule Area - 3 Angebote vergleichen

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9788763525893 - Michael Hauser: Traditional Inuit Songs from the Thule Area
Michael Hauser

Traditional Inuit Songs from the Thule Area (2010)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Niederlande EN NW

ISBN: 9788763525893 bzw. 8763525895, in Englisch, Museum Tusculanum Press, neu.

185,00 + Versand: 3,45 = 188,45
Lieferung aus: Niederlande, Vermoedelijk 4-6 weken.
This study provides a comprehensive description of the rich song culture of the people in the Thule area, the Inughuit. Transcriptions and scientific processing of 134 traditional songs recorded by archaeologist and folklorist Erik Holtved in Thule in 1937 – as well as a collection of Inughuit songs recorded in 1962 by Bent Jensen and the author – constitute the nucleus of this work. The songs and their texts are presented and notated in full length – including analyses of a representative stanz..., This study provides a comprehensive description of the rich song culture of the people in the Thule area, the Inughuit. Transcriptions and scientific processing of 134 traditional songs recorded by archaeologist and folklorist Erik Holtved in Thule in 1937 – as well as a collection of Inughuit songs recorded in 1962 by Bent Jensen and the author – constitute the nucleus of this work. The songs and their texts are presented and notated in full length – including analyses of a representative stanza from each song. Based on the transcriptions, different form and melody types are revealed. Furthermore, descriptions are given of singing methods, drum construction and handling, and performing habits, as well as historical and recent data.Several other collections are notated and analyzed: recordings from Uummannaq-Upernavik in 1912, from the Copper Inuit areas in 1914–16, and from Baffin Island in the 1960s–70s. The study sheds important light on the characteristic traits of the form and melody types of the Inughuit and how these are linked to certain Inuit groups in Canada, documenting particular areas of origin and migration routes of these groups. Many of the songs are presented on the enclosed CD.Soort: Met illustraties;Taal: Engels;Afmetingen: 107x170x245 mm;Gewicht: 3,57 kg;Verschijningsdatum: januari 2010;ISBN10: 8763525895;ISBN13: 9788763525893; Engelstalig | Other binding | 2010.
9788763525893 - Michael Hauser: Traditional Inuit Songs from the Thule Area
Michael Hauser

Traditional Inuit Songs from the Thule Area (2010)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland EN HC NW

ISBN: 9788763525893 bzw. 8763525895, in Englisch, 1560 Seiten, Museum Tusculanum Press, gebundenes Buch, neu.

114,16 (£ 98,92)¹ + Versand: 3,45 (£ 2,99)¹ = 117,61 (£ 101,91)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Usually dispatched within 1-2 business days.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, swestbooks.
2 Books & CD. In 1937 Professor Erik Holtved recorded 134 traditional songs from the Thule area, mostly drum-songs, which are transcribed and analysed in this book by Michael Hauser. In addition, several other collections are notated and analysed: recordings from Uummannaq-Upernavik in 1912, from the Copper Inuit areas in 1914-16, Bent Jensen and Hausers 1962 recordings from Thule, and from Baffin Island in the 1970s. The main aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive description of the song culture of the people of the Thule area, the Inughuit. The study includes historical as well as recent data; the views of the indigenous population; measurable parameters, such as singing methods, drum construction and handling; and factual information about form and melody derived from the transcriptions. Important connections are also made with other Inuit areas. Traditional Inuit songs have form and melody types with local characteristics which have endured through generations. In the Thule area one form type in particular was linked to the descendants of the last immigration from Canada in the 1860s, another to a group of 18th-century immigrants. In order to find out the possible areas of origin of these groups an exchange of recordings was carried out between Greenland and Canada. The sought after form and melody types were found in southern Baffin Island (the 1860 group) and in the Copper Inuit areas. Archaeological and linguistic research confirmed that these places were also the starting points for migrations. The book is richly illustrated with pictures and music notation, and many songs can be heard on the accompanying CD. Hardcover, Udgave: Har/Com, Etiket: Museum Tusculanum Press, Museum Tusculanum Press, Produktgruppe: Book, Offentliggjort: 2010-01-15, Udgivelsesdato: 2010-01-15, Studio: Museum Tusculanum Press, Salg rang: 6067257.
9788763525893 - Michael Hauser: Traditional Inuit Songs from the Thule Area
Michael Hauser

Traditional Inuit Songs from the Thule Area

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN HC NW

ISBN: 9788763525893 bzw. 8763525895, in Englisch, Museum Tusculanum Press, gebundenes Buch, neu.

147,26 ($ 155,70)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, På lager, plus forsendelse.
Traditional-Inuit-Songs-from-the-Thule-Area~~Michael-Hauser, Traditional Inuit Songs from the Thule Area, Hardcover.