Managerial Performance And Organizational Effectiveness Paperback | Indigo Chapters
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9788269448429 - Managerial Performance And Organizational Effectiveness

Managerial Performance And Organizational Effectiveness (2022)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Niederlande EN PB NW

ISBN: 9788269448429 bzw. 8269448427, in Englisch, Taschenbuch, neu.

Lieferung aus: Niederlande, zzgl. Versandkosten.
INTRODUCTION the organization begins when people combine their effort for a given purpose. To understand it, it necessary to know how it works and what makes it works. Engineers and other social scientists have barn is intrigued by this question of what makes +ha organization work, with a view to know what best can be done to make it more effective both in structure and function. Managementboeken, Alle managementboeken, Engelse Boeken > Managementboeken > Alle managementboeken.
8269448427 - Jayaseetha R: Managerial Performance And Organizational Effectiveness
Jayaseetha R

Managerial Performance And Organizational Effectiveness

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland ~EN PB NW

ISBN: 8269448427 bzw. 9788269448429, vermutlich in Englisch, Bangalore University, Taschenbuch, neu.

36,49 + Versand: 25,00 = 61,49
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9788269448429 - Managerial Performance And Organizational Effectiveness Paperback | Indigo Chapters

Managerial Performance And Organizational Effectiveness Paperback | Indigo Chapters

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Kanada ~EN PB NW

ISBN: 9788269448429 bzw. 8269448427, vermutlich in Englisch, Taschenbuch, neu.

34,26 (C$ 44,99)¹
Lieferung aus: Kanada, Lagernd, zzgl. Versandkosten.
Managerial Performance And Organizational Effectiveness Paperback | Indigo Chapters.