If You Can't Measure It. Maybe You Shouldn't - 2 Angebote vergleichen

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9788269037722 - Carsten Busch: If You Can't Measure It. Maybe You Shouldn't
Carsten Busch

If You Can't Measure It. Maybe You Shouldn't

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland EN PB NW

ISBN: 9788269037722 bzw. 8269037729, in Englisch, Mind the Risk, Taschenbuch, neu.

Reflections on Measuring Safety, Indicators, and Goals, You drive to your job on a beautiful Monday morning. The speedometer shows a steady just-below-50 km/h. On the radio, the newsreader tells you about the unemployment figures, the number of casualties of an earthquake in South-East Asia, and that the Dow Jones has fallen some points. Upon entering the gate of your company, you pass a sign that proudly announces that today is the 314th day since the last Lost Time Injury. In the hallway, you see the LEAN Kanban board that shows, among other things, production figures and sick leave statistics. At 8:30, you are all expected to gather around the board and discuss what is presented there. In the elevator to your floor, you quickly check what has happened on Linkedin. You are pleased to see the number of 'likes' that your latest post has drawn. You walk on to your desk where you see a pile of papers. On the top is a copy of the newest balanced scorecard that your boss's secretary must have dropped there, Friday afternoon. While sipping your first coffee of the day, you check your calendar and are reminded of the annual performance review at 10 O'clock.So far, you have not done one tiny piece of actual work, but you have been confronted with a mass of figures, measurement and metrics already. They are around us, all the time. But why? Do they help? How to deal with them? This little book intends to help you think about them in different, maybe better, ways and handle them better.Thirty rather compact chapters offer a critical view on measuring, indicators, metrics, goals and statistics within a context of safety. The book also tries to offer some useful and practical suggestions for different (possibly even better) approaches, or at least different ways to think about these subjects.
9788269037722 - If You Can't Measure It. Maybe You Shouldn't

If You Can't Measure It. Maybe You Shouldn't

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland EN NW

ISBN: 9788269037722 bzw. 8269037729, in Englisch, neu.

8,95 (£ 7,62)¹
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