The effectiveness of laughter yoga on resilience feelings and perceived stress among disadvantaged women.
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The effectiveness of laughter yoga on resilience feelings and perceived stress among disadvantaged women. (2022)
ISBN: 9787926153782 bzw. 7926153788, in Englisch, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Niederlande, zzgl. Versandkosten.
LAUGHTER "A good laugh heals a lot of hurts"- Madeleine L'Engl. "Let's Ho Ho, Ha Ha, for laughter can heal! Surreal or is that for real? What can be better or more economical than to tap this laughter to heal broken hearts and envisage a new start? Thus, through Laughter Yoga intervention this research holds much potential to impart, to heal hurt and avert the adverse influences of stress and strain among those who are unheard. Laughter is ubiquitous in human species and the scope of this research extends to facilitate the flow of this ubiquitous laughter through laughter yoga with the aim to investigate the resultant increase in resilience, perceived stress and negative emotions and increase in positive emotions towards the goal of positive experience, positive individual traits and positive institution (3 pillars of Positive psychology) Definitive description of laughter has never been easy owning to it's chameleon and multifaceted explanation. It may be seen as a response to environmental occurrences or reflection of state of internal activation. It is both reflex and psychosomatic in nature. But the picture is not so simple because laughter can also be a voluntary reaction to a situation or a manifestation of psychopathology. The idea of Laughter as release of surplus energy followed by release of tension is an old one, further supported by Spencer. (Spencer, 1860) Sigmund Freud has mentioned laughter as an outlet for discharging psychic energy. According to him the inhibited tendencies cause tension which is released in the form of jokes (morally acceptable and innocent form of release) and he linked laughter with gain of lust in this process of release of tension in the garb of jokes. (Freud, 1960) This adds to the explanation of laughter but not all laughter can be explained psycho dynamically neither can all have sexual content. Our feelings trigger discharge of nervous energy to muscular system and it triggers the articulatory and vocal systems along with system that expel air from lungs. (Spencer, 1860) In general it is triggered by all kinds of intense mental and physical feelings. According to Spencer laughter is manifestation of muscular excitement which is different from other muscular action, Spiritualiteit, Alle spiritualiteit, Engelse Boeken > Spiritualiteit > Alle spiritualiteit.
LAUGHTER "A good laugh heals a lot of hurts"- Madeleine L'Engl. "Let's Ho Ho, Ha Ha, for laughter can heal! Surreal or is that for real? What can be better or more economical than to tap this laughter to heal broken hearts and envisage a new start? Thus, through Laughter Yoga intervention this research holds much potential to impart, to heal hurt and avert the adverse influences of stress and strain among those who are unheard. Laughter is ubiquitous in human species and the scope of this research extends to facilitate the flow of this ubiquitous laughter through laughter yoga with the aim to investigate the resultant increase in resilience, perceived stress and negative emotions and increase in positive emotions towards the goal of positive experience, positive individual traits and positive institution (3 pillars of Positive psychology) Definitive description of laughter has never been easy owning to it's chameleon and multifaceted explanation. It may be seen as a response to environmental occurrences or reflection of state of internal activation. It is both reflex and psychosomatic in nature. But the picture is not so simple because laughter can also be a voluntary reaction to a situation or a manifestation of psychopathology. The idea of Laughter as release of surplus energy followed by release of tension is an old one, further supported by Spencer. (Spencer, 1860) Sigmund Freud has mentioned laughter as an outlet for discharging psychic energy. According to him the inhibited tendencies cause tension which is released in the form of jokes (morally acceptable and innocent form of release) and he linked laughter with gain of lust in this process of release of tension in the garb of jokes. (Freud, 1960) This adds to the explanation of laughter but not all laughter can be explained psycho dynamically neither can all have sexual content. Our feelings trigger discharge of nervous energy to muscular system and it triggers the articulatory and vocal systems along with system that expel air from lungs. (Spencer, 1860) In general it is triggered by all kinds of intense mental and physical feelings. According to Spencer laughter is manifestation of muscular excitement which is different from other muscular action, Spiritualiteit, Alle spiritualiteit, Engelse Boeken > Spiritualiteit > Alle spiritualiteit.
The effectiveness of laughter yoga on resilience feelings and perceived stress among disadvantaged women.
ISBN: 7926153788 bzw. 9787926153782, vermutlich in Englisch, HbFaraz, Taschenbuch, neu.
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