A study of automobile industry Its problems and prospects
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Bester Preis: € 51,90 (vom 29.11.2022)1
A study of automobile industry Its problems and prospects
ISBN: 9787427997441 bzw. 7427997441, in Deutsch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, 2-3 Werktage.
1 INTRODUCTION : India, the world's largest democracy, having a very large pool of scientific and engineering talent in the world has marched forward in critical areas of development - be it space or electronics. This pool of knowledge has enabled India to attain high levels of achievement in diverse high-tech areas. The country has an open the economy in the process of integrating with the world economy. Far-reaching economic reforms aimed at deregulation and attracting foreign investment have moved India firmly into the front ranks of the rapidly growing Asia-Pacific Region. In the automobile industry, the developing regions are the growth areas of tomorrow. von Ma, Dalal, Neu.
1 INTRODUCTION : India, the world's largest democracy, having a very large pool of scientific and engineering talent in the world has marched forward in critical areas of development - be it space or electronics. This pool of knowledge has enabled India to attain high levels of achievement in diverse high-tech areas. The country has an open the economy in the process of integrating with the world economy. Far-reaching economic reforms aimed at deregulation and attracting foreign investment have moved India firmly into the front ranks of the rapidly growing Asia-Pacific Region. In the automobile industry, the developing regions are the growth areas of tomorrow. von Ma, Dalal, Neu.
A study of automobile industry Its problems and prospects (2022)
ISBN: 9787427997441 bzw. 7427997441, in Englisch, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Niederlande, zzgl. Versandkosten.
1 INTRODUCTION : India, the world's largest democracy, having a very large pool of scientific and engineering talent in the world has marched forward in critical areas of development - be it space or electronics. This pool of knowledge has enabled India to attain high levels of achievement in diverse high-tech areas. The country has an open the economy in the process of integrating with the world economy. Far-reaching economic reforms aimed at deregulation and attracting foreign investment have moved India firmly into the front ranks of the rapidly growing Asia-Pacific Region. In the automobile industry, the developing regions are the growth areas of tomorrow. Managementboeken, Alle managementboeken, Engelse Boeken > Managementboeken > Alle managementboeken.
1 INTRODUCTION : India, the world's largest democracy, having a very large pool of scientific and engineering talent in the world has marched forward in critical areas of development - be it space or electronics. This pool of knowledge has enabled India to attain high levels of achievement in diverse high-tech areas. The country has an open the economy in the process of integrating with the world economy. Far-reaching economic reforms aimed at deregulation and attracting foreign investment have moved India firmly into the front ranks of the rapidly growing Asia-Pacific Region. In the automobile industry, the developing regions are the growth areas of tomorrow. Managementboeken, Alle managementboeken, Engelse Boeken > Managementboeken > Alle managementboeken.
A study of automobile industry Its problems and prospects
ISBN: 9787427997441 bzw. 7427997441, in Deutsch, infotech publishers, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten, Shipping in 3 days.
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Die Beschreibung dieses Angebotes ist von geringer Qualität oder in einer Fremdsprache. Trotzdem anzeigen
A study of automobile industry Its problems and prospects
ISBN: 9787427997441 bzw. 7427997441, in Deutsch, infotech publishers, infotech publishers, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten, in stock.
A study of automobile industry Its problems and prospects: ab 51.99 €.
A study of automobile industry Its problems and prospects: ab 51.99 €.