Applications of Magnetic Helical Nanomotors - ein Angebot gefunden

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9786269594016 - Applications of Magnetic Helical Nanomotors

Applications of Magnetic Helical Nanomotors (2023)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Niederlande EN PB NW

ISBN: 9786269594016 bzw. 6269594014, in Englisch, Taschenbuch, neu.

Lieferung aus: Niederlande, zzgl. Versandkosten.
Debayan Dasgupta's innovative book "Applications of Magnetic Helical Nanomotors: From Cancer Biology to Dentistry" examines the numerous uses of magnetic helical nanomotors in the medical arena. The book digs into the fascinating opportunities presented by these tiny motors in the areas of dentistry and cancer biology. The book gives readers a thorough overview of the state of the art today with a focus on the most recent research and progress in the industry. The science underlying these ground-breaking innovations has been painstakingly explained by the author in a way that is clear and understandable. This book offers readers a glimpse into the future of medicine and the pivotal role that magnetic helical nanomotors will play in transforming how we identify and cure a wide range of illnesses. It talks about how these nanomotors can be utilised to target particular bodily regions, such cancers or infected teeth, for therapeutic purposes. The book also discusses the motion of nanomotors in soft tissue and the difficulties that need to be solved for these technologies to become a reality. In conclusion, "Applications of Magnetic Helical Nanomotors: From Cancer Biology to Dentistry" is a must-read for anybody interested in the medical sector, especially those interested in the most recent advances in nanotechnology. Whether you're a student, researcher, or member of the medical community, this book will give you a wealth of knowledge that is vital for remaining current. Body & mind, Alle body & mind, Engelse Boeken > Body & mind > Alle body & mind.
Kategorie: Engelse Boeken
Daten vom 28.03.2023 06:10h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 626-95940-1-4, 978-626-95940-1-6
Zuerst gefunden: 28.03.2023 06:10:33
Zuletzt gefunden: 28.03.2023 06:10:33
Kleinster Preis: 33,87 (vom 28.03.2023 06:10:33)
Höchster Preis: 33,87 (vom 28.03.2023 06:10:33)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1

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Applications of Magnetic Helical NanomotorsApplications of Magnetic Helical Nanomotors
ISBN: 9786269594016

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