Basic Spanish: Complete Service Course Service Author
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Basic Spanish: Complete Foreign Service Institute Course Foreign Service Institute Author
ISBN: 9784617252014 bzw. 4617252010, vermutlich in Englisch, Beta Nu Publishing, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Lagernd.
This is a complete SPANISH FSI Basic language course.This course was originally developed by The Foreign Service Institute (FSI). FSI is the United States Federal Government's primary training institution for employees of the U.S. foreign affairs community, preparing American diplomats and other professionals to advance U.S. foreign affairs interests overseas and in Washington.This training material is one of the most comprehensive collections available.Produced extensively by the United States Government, this manual is the complete package for anyone learning a new foreign language. .
This is a complete SPANISH FSI Basic language course.This course was originally developed by The Foreign Service Institute (FSI). FSI is the United States Federal Government's primary training institution for employees of the U.S. foreign affairs community, preparing American diplomats and other professionals to advance U.S. foreign affairs interests overseas and in Washington.This training material is one of the most comprehensive collections available.Produced extensively by the United States Government, this manual is the complete package for anyone learning a new foreign language. .
Basic Spanish (eBook, ePUB)
ISBN: 9784617252014 bzw. 4617252010, vermutlich in Englisch, BN Publishing, neu.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten.
This is a complete SPANISH FSI Basic language course. This course was originally developed by The Foreign Service Institute (FSI). FSI is the United States Federal Government's primary training institution for employees of the U.S. foreign affairs community, preparing American diplomats and other professionals to advance U.S. foreign affairs interests overseas and in Washington. This training material is one of the most comprehensive collections available.Produced extensively by the United States Government, this manual is the complete package for anyone learning a new foreign language.
This is a complete SPANISH FSI Basic language course. This course was originally developed by The Foreign Service Institute (FSI). FSI is the United States Federal Government's primary training institution for employees of the U.S. foreign affairs community, preparing American diplomats and other professionals to advance U.S. foreign affairs interests overseas and in Washington. This training material is one of the most comprehensive collections available.Produced extensively by the United States Government, this manual is the complete package for anyone learning a new foreign language.
Basic Spanish
ISBN: 9784617252014 bzw. 4617252010, vermutlich in Englisch, Basic Spanish - eBook als epub von Foreign Institute - BN Publishing - 9784617252014, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
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