Number Tracing Book 1-50 - ein Angebot gefunden
Bester Preis: € 17,19 (vom 28.09.2021)Aus dem Archiv:

Number Tracing Book 1-50 (2021)

ISBN: 9784558424341 bzw. 4558424345, in Englisch, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Niederlande, zzgl. Versandkosten.
Let's make preschool learning easy! If you are looking for a book that can be both educational and fun for your little one, then you found the right book. Thousands of kids already love "Number Tracing for Preschoolers and Kids, Practice Workbook 3-12" Here we present you our easy numbers tracing workbook for kids ages 3-12... We are aware of the fact that tracing letters and numbers for preschool kids can be a hard task, but this ABC tracing book will surely do wonders for your toddler learning We take the education of preschoolers very seriously, and we know that this workbook is the basis of something that your little one will never forget! That's why we've created exercises that can be both easy, fun and very educational. This book will be a valuable addition to your child's preschool workbooks age 3 collection and to your homeschooling curriculum as it covers numbers tracing, and all basic shapes as well. There may be many toddler workbooks available, but we offer you quality learning activities for 3 year old. We know that kids love learning to write on their own, so don't delay to get their hands on this preschool workbook. Inside of pages of Number Tracing for Preschoolers, Practice Workbook you'll find: One number at a time on one page to introduce your kid with the shape of each number in detail Easy guideline and directional arrows to assist your toddler Perfectly sized at 8.5" x 11" for kids who are learning to write for the first time This workbook makes a great indoor activity for boys and girl. It is also a great gift for little ones, making a wonderful birthday gift, Christmas gift, stocking stuffer, Easter gift or treat for a loved one Let your kid's learning run wild! Then, scroll up and grab your copy today! Kinderboeken, Alle kinderboeken, Engelse Boeken > Kinderboeken > Alle kinderboeken.
Let's make preschool learning easy! If you are looking for a book that can be both educational and fun for your little one, then you found the right book. Thousands of kids already love "Number Tracing for Preschoolers and Kids, Practice Workbook 3-12" Here we present you our easy numbers tracing workbook for kids ages 3-12... We are aware of the fact that tracing letters and numbers for preschool kids can be a hard task, but this ABC tracing book will surely do wonders for your toddler learning We take the education of preschoolers very seriously, and we know that this workbook is the basis of something that your little one will never forget! That's why we've created exercises that can be both easy, fun and very educational. This book will be a valuable addition to your child's preschool workbooks age 3 collection and to your homeschooling curriculum as it covers numbers tracing, and all basic shapes as well. There may be many toddler workbooks available, but we offer you quality learning activities for 3 year old. We know that kids love learning to write on their own, so don't delay to get their hands on this preschool workbook. Inside of pages of Number Tracing for Preschoolers, Practice Workbook you'll find: One number at a time on one page to introduce your kid with the shape of each number in detail Easy guideline and directional arrows to assist your toddler Perfectly sized at 8.5" x 11" for kids who are learning to write for the first time This workbook makes a great indoor activity for boys and girl. It is also a great gift for little ones, making a wonderful birthday gift, Christmas gift, stocking stuffer, Easter gift or treat for a loved one Let your kid's learning run wild! Then, scroll up and grab your copy today! Kinderboeken, Alle kinderboeken, Engelse Boeken > Kinderboeken > Alle kinderboeken.
Kategorie: Engelse Boeken
Daten vom 28.09.2021 20:31h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 4-558-42434-5, 978-4-558-42434-1
Daten vom 28.09.2021 20:31h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 4-558-42434-5, 978-4-558-42434-1
Zuerst gefunden: 28.09.2021 20:31:34
Zuletzt gefunden: 28.09.2021 20:31:34
Kleinster Preis: € 17,19 (vom 28.09.2021 20:31:34)
Höchster Preis: € 17,19 (vom 28.09.2021 20:31:34)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
Zuletzt gefunden: 28.09.2021 20:31:34
Kleinster Preis: € 17,19 (vom 28.09.2021 20:31:34)
Höchster Preis: € 17,19 (vom 28.09.2021 20:31:34)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
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