The Stalls of Barchester / The Ash Tree / Number 13 / A Warning to the Curious: Ghost Stories, Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 117min
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9783838792217 - M.R. James: The Stalls of Barchester / The Ash Tree / Number 13 / A Warning to the Curious: Ghost Stories, Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 117min
M.R. James

The Stalls of Barchester / The Ash Tree / Number 13 / A Warning to the Curious: Ghost Stories, Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 117min

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland ~EN NW AB DL

ISBN: 9783838792217 bzw. 3838792211, vermutlich in Englisch, Lübbe Audio, neu, Hörbuch, elektronischer Download.

Lieferung aus: Deutschland, Keine Versandkosten, Hörbuch zum Download.
Horror legend Christopher Lee reads the disturbing Victorian ghost stories of writer M.R. James. A century ago, it was James´s habit to... Horror legend Christopher Lee reads the disturbing Victorian ghost stories of writer M.R. James. A century ago, it was James´s habit to read one aloud by candlelight every Christmas Eve to a select group of students in his study at King´s College, Cambridge. 1. Language: English. Narrator: Christopher Lee. Audio sample: Digital audiobook in aax.
9783838792217 - Ghost Stories - The Stalls of Barchester / The Ash Tree / Number 13 / A Warning to the Curious (Unabridged)

Ghost Stories - The Stalls of Barchester / The Ash Tree / Number 13 / A Warning to the Curious (Unabridged)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland ~EN NW AB DL

ISBN: 9783838792217 bzw. 3838792211, vermutlich in Englisch, neu, Hörbuch, elektronischer Download.

Ghost Stories - The Stalls of Barchester / The Ash Tree / Number 13 / A Warning to the Curious (Unabridged) ab 9.99 EURO.