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Wildcat Anarchist Comics

ISBN: 9781629631271 bzw. 1629631272, in Englisch, PM Press, PM Press, PM Press, neu.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, zzgl. Versandkosten, Free Shipping on eligible orders over $25, in-stock.
Wildcat Anarchist Comics collects the drawings of Donald Rooum, mostly (but by no means entirely) from the long-running "Wildcat" cartoon series that has been published in Freedom newspaper since 1980. Rooum does not just purvey jokes, but makes the drawings comical in themselves, "getting the humour in the line," provoking laughter even in those who do not read the captions or speech balloons. The chief characters in the strip are the Revolting ***cat, a short-fused anarchist who is furious and shouty; and the Free-range Egghead, an intellectual who would like anarchism to be respectable but sometimes appears foolish. Governments, bosses, and authoritarians are presented as buffoons, and quite often, so are anarchists. This thoughtful and delightful collection includes strips from The Skeptic and many more, all beautifully colored for the first time by Jayne Clementson. The book also includes a lively autobiographical introduction discussing Rooum's role in the celebrated 1963 "Challoner case," a conspiracy among police officers to discredit non-violent demonstrators.
Wildcat Anarchist Comics collects the drawings of Donald Rooum, mostly (but by no means entirely) from the long-running "Wildcat" cartoon series that has been published in Freedom newspaper since 1980. Rooum does not just purvey jokes, but makes the drawings comical in themselves, "getting the humour in the line," provoking laughter even in those who do not read the captions or speech balloons. The chief characters in the strip are the Revolting ***cat, a short-fused anarchist who is furious and shouty; and the Free-range Egghead, an intellectual who would like anarchism to be respectable but sometimes appears foolish. Governments, bosses, and authoritarians are presented as buffoons, and quite often, so are anarchists. This thoughtful and delightful collection includes strips from The Skeptic and many more, all beautifully colored for the first time by Jayne Clementson. The book also includes a lively autobiographical introduction discussing Rooum's role in the celebrated 1963 "Challoner case," a conspiracy among police officers to discredit non-violent demonstrators.

Wildcat Anarchist Comics (2016)

ISBN: 9781629632629 bzw. 1629632627, in Englisch, PM Press, PM Press, PM Press, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, in-stock.
Wildcat Anarchist Comics collects the drawings of Donald Rooum, mostly (but by no means entirely) from the long-running "Wildcat" cartoon series that has been published in the Freedom newspaper since 1980. Rooum does not just purvey jokes, but makes the drawings comical in themselves, "getting the humour in the line," provoking laughter even in those who do not read the captions or speech balloons. The chief characters in the strip are the Revolting Pussycat, a short-fused anarchist who is furious and shouty; and the Free-range Egghead, an intellectual who would like anarchism to be respectable but sometimes appears foolish. Governments, bosses, and authoritarians are presented as buffoons, and quite often, so are anarchists. This thoughtful and delightful collection includes strips from The Skeptic and many more, all beautifully colored for the first time by Jayne Clementson. The book also includes a lively autobiographical introduction discussing Rooum's role in the celebrated 1963 "Challenor case," a conspiracy among police officers to discredit non-violent demonstrators.
Wildcat Anarchist Comics collects the drawings of Donald Rooum, mostly (but by no means entirely) from the long-running "Wildcat" cartoon series that has been published in the Freedom newspaper since 1980. Rooum does not just purvey jokes, but makes the drawings comical in themselves, "getting the humour in the line," provoking laughter even in those who do not read the captions or speech balloons. The chief characters in the strip are the Revolting Pussycat, a short-fused anarchist who is furious and shouty; and the Free-range Egghead, an intellectual who would like anarchism to be respectable but sometimes appears foolish. Governments, bosses, and authoritarians are presented as buffoons, and quite often, so are anarchists. This thoughtful and delightful collection includes strips from The Skeptic and many more, all beautifully colored for the first time by Jayne Clementson. The book also includes a lively autobiographical introduction discussing Rooum's role in the celebrated 1963 "Challenor case," a conspiracy among police officers to discredit non-violent demonstrators.

Wildcat Anarchist Comics (2016)

ISBN: 9781629631271 bzw. 1629631272, in Englisch, 128 Seiten, PM Press, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Not yet published.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Amazon.com.
Wildcat Anarchist Comics collects the drawings of Donald Rooum, mostly (but by no means entirely) from the long-running “Wildcat” cartoon series that has been published in the Freedom newspaper since 1980. Rooum does not just purvey jokes, but makes the drawings comical in themselves, “getting the humour in the line,” provoking laughter even in those who do not read the captions or speech balloons. The chief characters in the strip are the Revolting ***cat, a short-fused anarchist who is furious and shouty; and the Free-range Egghead, an intellectual who would like anarchism to be respectable but sometimes appears foolish. Governments, bosses, and authoritarians are presented as buffoons, and quite often, so are anarchists. This thoughtful and delightful collection includes strips from The Skeptic and many more, all beautifully colored for the first time by Jayne Clementson. The book also includes a lively autobiographical introduction discussing Rooum’s role in the celebrated 1963 “Challoner case,” a conspiracy among police officers to discredit non-violent demonstrators., Paperback, Label: PM Press, PM Press, Produktgruppe: Book, Publiziert: 2016-06-01, Studio: PM Press, Verkaufsrang: 5329738.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Amazon.com.
Wildcat Anarchist Comics collects the drawings of Donald Rooum, mostly (but by no means entirely) from the long-running “Wildcat” cartoon series that has been published in the Freedom newspaper since 1980. Rooum does not just purvey jokes, but makes the drawings comical in themselves, “getting the humour in the line,” provoking laughter even in those who do not read the captions or speech balloons. The chief characters in the strip are the Revolting ***cat, a short-fused anarchist who is furious and shouty; and the Free-range Egghead, an intellectual who would like anarchism to be respectable but sometimes appears foolish. Governments, bosses, and authoritarians are presented as buffoons, and quite often, so are anarchists. This thoughtful and delightful collection includes strips from The Skeptic and many more, all beautifully colored for the first time by Jayne Clementson. The book also includes a lively autobiographical introduction discussing Rooum’s role in the celebrated 1963 “Challoner case,” a conspiracy among police officers to discredit non-violent demonstrators., Paperback, Label: PM Press, PM Press, Produktgruppe: Book, Publiziert: 2016-06-01, Studio: PM Press, Verkaufsrang: 5329738.