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Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener, Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden100%: Allison, Greer: Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener, Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden (ISBN: 9781629142593) 2014, in Englisch, auch als eBook.
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Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener: Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden100%: Greer, Allison/ Greer, Tim (PHT): Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener: Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden (ISBN: 9781629141718) Skyhorse Publishing Company, Incorporated, in Englisch, auch als eBook.
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Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener, Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden
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Bester Preis: 10,15 (vom 12.08.2016)
9781629141718 - Greer, Allison/ Greer, Tim (PHT): Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener
Greer, Allison/ Greer, Tim (PHT)

Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN US

ISBN: 9781629141718 bzw. 1629141712, in Englisch, Skyhorse Pub Co Inc, SKHSC, SKHSC, gebraucht.

14,91 ($ 17,70)¹
versandkostenfrei, unverbindlich
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, in-stock.
Companion planting techniques have been used for centuries to facilitate better, more nutritious, and more abundant crops. Did you know that beets will grow better if surrounded by mint or garlic, but tomatoes should not be planted near cabbage? Flax helps protect some root vegetables from pests, and tomatoes will thrive when planted near carrots (though the carrots may wind up stunted). Your celery will be happier if it?s far away from corn, but broccoli and dill make a terrific garden pair. It?s a lot to think about, but there?s no reason to feel overwhelmed. With Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener, you?ll have all the information you need in clear, concise terms and with charts and garden plans you can copy or modify to suit your family?s needs. Starting with the basics of organic gardening, such as how to prepare quality soil and the importance of cover crops and organic fertilizer, authors Allison and Tim Greer explain the principles of companion planting, how plants interact, and how you can use that information to your garden?s benefit. There is an entire chapter devoted to each of the fifteen most popular vegetables, with charts, diagrams, and descriptions of each?a treasure for gardeners with busy lives who want an easy reference guide for planning their ideal kitchen garden. Full of gorgeous, full-color photographs and easy-to-follow diagrams, this is a beautiful, useful guide for the home organic gardener.
9781629141718 - Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener

Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland EN NW

ISBN: 9781629141718 bzw. 1629141712, in Englisch, neu.

13,06 (£ 11,97)¹
versandkostenfrei, unverbindlich
Companion planting techniques have been used for centuries to facilitate better, more nutritious, and more abundant crops. Did you know that beets will grow better if surrounded by mint or garlic, but tomatoes should not be planted near cabbage? Flax helps protect some root vegetables from pests, and tomatoes will thrive when planted near carrots (though the carrots may wind up stunted). Your celery will be happier if it's far away from corn, but broccoli and dill make a terrific garden pair. It's a lot to think about, but there's no reason to feel overwhelmed. With Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener, you'll have all the information you need in clear, concise terms and with charts and garden plans you can copy or modify to suit your family's needs. Starting with the basics of organic gardening, such as how to prepare quality soil and the importance of cover crops and organic fertilizer, authors Allison and Tim Greer explain the principles of companion planting, how plants interact, and how you can use that information to your garden's benefit. There is an entire chapter devoted to each of the fifteen most popular vegetables, with charts, diagrams, and descriptions of each?a treasure for gardeners with busy lives who want an easy reference guide for planning their ideal kitchen garden. Full of gorgeous, full-color photographs and easy-to-follow diagrams, this is a beautiful, useful guide for the home organic gardener.
9781629141718 - Greer, Allison: Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener
Greer, Allison

Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN NW EB

ISBN: 9781629141718 bzw. 1629141712, in Englisch, Skyhorse Publishing, neu, E-Book.

12,63 ($ 14,99)¹
versandkostenfrei, unverbindlich
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Ebook for download.
Gardening, Companion planting techniques have been used for centuries to facilitate better, more nutritious, and more abundant crops. Did you know that beets will grow better if surrounded by mint or garlic, but tomatoes should not be planted near cabbage? Flax helps protect some root vegetables from pests, and tomatoes will thrive when planted near carrots (though the carrots may wind up stunted). Your celery will be happier if it's far away from corn, but broccoli and dill make a terrific garden pair. It's a lot to think about, but there's no reason to feel overwhelmed. With Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener, you'll have all the information you need in clear, concise terms and with charts and garden plans you can copy or modify to suit your family's needs. Starting with the basics of organic gardening, such as how to prepare quality soil and the importance of cover crops and organic fertilizer, authors Allison and Tim Greer explain the principles of companion planting, how plants interact, and how you can use that information to your garden's benefit. There is an entire chapter devoted to each of the fifteen most popular vegetables, with charts, diagrams, and descriptions of eacha treasure for gardeners with busy lives who want an easy reference guide for planning their ideal kitchen garden. Full of gorgeous, full-color photographs and easy-to-follow diagrams, this is a beautiful, useful guide for the home organic gardener. eBook.
9781629142593 - Allison Greer: Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener
Allison Greer

Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener (2014)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Kanada EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9781629142593 bzw. 162914259X, in Englisch, Skyhorse Publishing, Skyhorse Publishing, Skyhorse Publishing, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

10,15 (C$ 14,69)¹
versandkostenfrei, unverbindlich
Lieferung aus: Kanada, in-stock.
Companion planting techniques have been used for centuries to facilitate better, more nutritious, and more abundant crops. Did you know that beets will grow better if surrounded by mint or garlic, but tomatoes should not be planted near cabbage? Flax helps protect some root vegetables from pests, and tomatoes will thrive when planted near carrots (though the carrots may wind up stunted). Your celery will be happier if it's far away from corn, but broccoli and dill make a terrific garden pair. It's a lot to think about, but there's no reason to feel overwhelmed. With Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener, you'll have all the information you need in clear, concise terms and with charts and garden plans you can copy or modify to suit your family's needs. Starting with the basics of organic gardening, such as how to prepare quality soil and the importance of cover crops and organic fertilizer, authors Allison and Tim Greer explain the principles of companion planting, how plants interact, and how you can use that information to your garden's benefit. There is an entire chapter devoted to each of the fifteen most popular vegetables, with charts, diagrams, and descriptions of each-a treasure for gardeners with busy lives who want an easy reference guide for planning their ideal kitchen garden. Full of gorgeous, full-color photographs and easy-to-follow diagrams, this is a beautiful, useful guide for the home organic gardener.
9781629142593 - Allison Greer: Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener, Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden
Allison Greer

Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener, Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden (2014)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Niederlande EN NW EB

ISBN: 9781629142593 bzw. 162914259X, in Englisch, Skyhorse Publishing, neu, E-Book.

Lieferung aus: Niederlande, Direct beschikbaar.
Companion planting techniques have been used for centuries to facilitate better, more nutritious, and more abundant crops. Did you know that beets will grow better if surrounded by mint or garlic, but tomatoes should not be planted near cabbage? Flax helps protect some root vegetables from pests, and tomatoes will thrive when planted near carrots (though the carrots may wind up stunted). Your celery will be happier if it’s far away from corn, but broccoli and dill make a terrific garden pair. It... Companion planting techniques have been used for centuries to facilitate better, more nutritious, and more abundant crops. Did you know that beets will grow better if surrounded by mint or garlic, but tomatoes should not be planted near cabbage? Flax helps protect some root vegetables from pests, and tomatoes will thrive when planted near carrots (though the carrots may wind up stunted). Your celery will be happier if it’s far away from corn, but broccoli and dill make a terrific garden pair. It’s a lot to think about, but there’s no reason to feel overwhelmed. With Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener, you’ll have all the information you need in clear, concise terms and with charts and garden plans you can copy or modify to suit your family’s needs. Starting with the basics of organic gardening, such as how to prepare quality soil and the importance of cover crops and organic fertilizer, authors Allison and Tim Greer explain the principles of companion planting, how plants interact, and how you can use that information to your garden’s benefit. There is an entire chapter devoted to each of the fifteen most popular vegetables, with charts, diagrams, and descriptions of each-a treasure for gardeners with busy lives who want an easy reference guide for planning their ideal kitchen garden. Full of gorgeous, full-color photographs and easy-to-follow diagrams, this is a beautiful, useful guide for the home organic gardener. Taal: Engels;Formaat: ePub met kopieerbeveiliging (DRM) van Adobe;Bestandsgrootte: 54.71 MB;Kopieerrechten: Het kopiëren van (delen van) de pagina's is niet toegestaan ;Printrechten: Het printen van de pagina's is niet toegestaan;Voorleesfunctie: De voorleesfunctie is uitgeschakeld;Geschikt voor: Alle e-readers te koop bij bol.com (of compatible met Adobe DRM). Telefoons/tablets met Google Android (1.6 of hoger) voorzien van bol.com boekenbol app. PC en Mac met Adobe reader software;Verschijningsdatum: juli 2014;ISBN10: 162914259X;ISBN13: 9781629142593; Engelstalig | Ebook | 2014.
9781629141718 - Allison Greer, Tim Greer: Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener: Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden
Allison Greer, Tim Greer

Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener: Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Kanada EN NW

ISBN: 9781629141718 bzw. 1629141712, in Englisch, Skyhorse Publishing Inc. neu.

15,61 (C$ 22,95)¹
Lieferung aus: Kanada, In Stock, plus shipping.
Allison Greer, Tim Greer, Books, Home and Garden, Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener: Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden, Companion planting techniques have been used for centuries to facilitate better, more nutritious, and more abundant crops. Did you know that beets will grow better if surrounded by mint or garlic, but tomatoes should not be planted near cabbage? Flax helps protect some root vegetables from pests, and tomatoes will thrive when planted near carrots (though the carrots may wind up stunted). Your celery will be happier if it’s far away from corn, but broccoli and dill make a terrific garden pair. It’s a lot to think about, but there’s no reason to feel overwhelmed. With Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener, you’ll have all the information you need in clear, concise terms and with charts and garden plans you can copy or modify to suit your family’s needs.Starting with the basics of organic gardening, such as how to prepare quality soil and the importance of cover crops and organic fertilizer, authors Allison and Tim Greer explain the principles of companion planting, how plants interact, and how you can use that information to your garden’s benefit. There is an entire chapter devoted to each of the fifteen most popular vegetables, with charts, diagrams, and descriptions of each—a treasure for gardeners with busy lives who want an easy reference guide for planning their ideal kitchen garden. Full of gorgeous, full-color photographs and easy-to-follow diagrams, this is a beautiful, useful guide for the home organic gardener.
1629141712 - Allison Greer: Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener: Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden
Allison Greer

Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener: Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN US

ISBN: 1629141712 bzw. 9781629141718, in Englisch, Skyhorse Publishing Company, Incorporated, gebraucht.

11,77 ($ 13,97)¹
versandkostenfrei, unverbindlich
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock.
gardening,gardening and landscaping, Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener : Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden, Companion planting techniques have been used for centuries to facilitate better, more nutritious, and more abundant crops. Did you know that beets will grow better if surrounded by mint or garlic, but tomatoes should not be planted near cabbage? Flax helps protect some root vegetables from pests, and tomatoes will thrive when planted near carrots (though the carrots may wind up stunted). Your celery will be happier if it s far away from corn, but broccoli and dill make a terrific garden pair. It s a lot to think about, but there s no reason to feel overwhelmed. With Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener, you ll have all the information you need in clear, concise terms and with charts and garden plans you can copy or modify to suit your family s needs. Starting with the basics of organic gardening, such as how to prepare quality soil and the importance of cover crops and organic fertilizer, authors Allison and Tim Greer explain the principles of companion planting, how plants interact, and how you can use that information to your garden s benefit. There is an entire chapter devoted to each of the fifteen most popular vegetables, with charts, diagrams, and descriptions of eacha treasure for gardeners with busy lives who want an easy reference guide for planning their ideal kitchen garden. Full of gorgeous, full-color photographs and easy-to-follow diagrams, this is a beautiful, useful guide for the home organic gardener.
9781629142593 - Allison, Greer: Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener
Allison, Greer

Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9781629142593 bzw. 162914259X, in Englisch, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

Lieferung aus: Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten.
Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden, Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden.