Georgia Employment Law 2020 Thomas J Mew IV Author - ein Angebot gefunden
Bester Preis: € 103,63 (vom 15.05.2020)Aus dem Archiv:
Georgia Employment Law 2020 Thomas J Mew IV Author
ISBN: 9781628817102 bzw. 1628817100, vermutlich in Englisch, ALM Media Properties, LLC, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock.
Georgia Employment Law addresses the state and federal law relevant to the practice of employment law in Georgia. The intent is to provide the practitioner with all the essential background information for practicing employment law in Georgia, the majority of which is federal legislation and case law based, and fleshing out the same with explanation of Georgia’s parallel provisions and analysis of the applications peculiar to Georgia. The book is a valuable reference guide for those practicing employment law, as well as general practitioners who are presented with employment law issues in their practice. Coverage includes these topics: wage and hour laws, unemployment insurance benefits and claims, workers compensation, employment discrimination and retaliation, workplace torts, federal and state leave laws, and workplace health, safety and privacy.
Georgia Employment Law addresses the state and federal law relevant to the practice of employment law in Georgia. The intent is to provide the practitioner with all the essential background information for practicing employment law in Georgia, the majority of which is federal legislation and case law based, and fleshing out the same with explanation of Georgia’s parallel provisions and analysis of the applications peculiar to Georgia. The book is a valuable reference guide for those practicing employment law, as well as general practitioners who are presented with employment law issues in their practice. Coverage includes these topics: wage and hour laws, unemployment insurance benefits and claims, workers compensation, employment discrimination and retaliation, workplace torts, federal and state leave laws, and workplace health, safety and privacy.
Kategorie: Digital Content>E-books>Business>Business Ref>Business Law
Daten vom 15.05.2020 09:18h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 1-62881-710-0, 978-1-62881-710-2
Daten vom 15.05.2020 09:18h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 1-62881-710-0, 978-1-62881-710-2
Zuerst gefunden: 15.05.2020 09:18:33
Zuletzt gefunden: 15.05.2020 09:18:33
Kleinster Preis: € 103,63 (vom 15.05.2020 09:18:33)
Höchster Preis: € 103,63 (vom 15.05.2020 09:18:33)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
Zuletzt gefunden: 15.05.2020 09:18:33
Kleinster Preis: € 103,63 (vom 15.05.2020 09:18:33)
Höchster Preis: € 103,63 (vom 15.05.2020 09:18:33)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
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ISBN: 9781628817102
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