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100%: Gerhard Kubik: Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I - The African Undercurrent in Twentieth-Century Jazz Culture (ISBN: 9781626746626) University Press Of Mississippi, in Englisch, Band: 1, auch als eBook.
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Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I: The African Undercurrent in Twentieth-Century Jazz Culture (American Made Music Series)
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Bester Preis: € 65,30 (vom 18.07.2017)1
Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I - The African Undercurrent in Twentieth-Century Jazz Culture

ISBN: 9781626746626 bzw. 1626746621, Band: 1, in Englisch, University Press Of Mississippi, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, Free shipping.
Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I: In Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I, renowned scholar Gerhard Kubik takes the reader across the Atlantic from Africa to the Americas and then back in pursuit of the music we call jazz. This first volume explores the term itself and how jazz has been defined and redefined. It also celebrates the phenomena of jazz performance and uncovers hidden gems of jazz history. The volume offers insights gathered during Kubik`s extensive field work and based on in-depth interviews with jazz musicians around the Atlantic world. Languages, world views, beliefs, experiences, attitudes, and commodities all play a role. Kubik reveals what is most important--the expertise of individual musical innovators on both sides of the Atlantic, and hidden relationships in their thoughts.Besides the common African origins of much vocabulary and structure, all the expressions of jazz in Africa share transatlantic family relationships. Within that framework, musicians are creating and re-creating jazz in never-ending contacts and exchanges. The first of two volumes, Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I examines this transatlantic history, sociolinguistics, musicology, and the biographical study of personalities in jazz during the twentieth century. This volume traces the African and African American influences on the creation of the jazz sound and traces specific African traditions as they transform into American jazz. Kubik seeks to describe the constant mixing of sources and traditions, so he includes influences of European music in both volumes. These works will become essential and indelible parts of jazz history. Englisch, Ebook.
Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I: In Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I, renowned scholar Gerhard Kubik takes the reader across the Atlantic from Africa to the Americas and then back in pursuit of the music we call jazz. This first volume explores the term itself and how jazz has been defined and redefined. It also celebrates the phenomena of jazz performance and uncovers hidden gems of jazz history. The volume offers insights gathered during Kubik`s extensive field work and based on in-depth interviews with jazz musicians around the Atlantic world. Languages, world views, beliefs, experiences, attitudes, and commodities all play a role. Kubik reveals what is most important--the expertise of individual musical innovators on both sides of the Atlantic, and hidden relationships in their thoughts.Besides the common African origins of much vocabulary and structure, all the expressions of jazz in Africa share transatlantic family relationships. Within that framework, musicians are creating and re-creating jazz in never-ending contacts and exchanges. The first of two volumes, Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I examines this transatlantic history, sociolinguistics, musicology, and the biographical study of personalities in jazz during the twentieth century. This volume traces the African and African American influences on the creation of the jazz sound and traces specific African traditions as they transform into American jazz. Kubik seeks to describe the constant mixing of sources and traditions, so he includes influences of European music in both volumes. These works will become essential and indelible parts of jazz history. Englisch, Ebook.

Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I: The African Undercurrent in Twentieth-Century Jazz Culture (American Made Music Series) (2017)

ISBN: 9781628462302 bzw. 1628462302, Bände: 1, 2, in Englisch, 464 Seiten, University Press of Mississippi, gebundenes Buch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Not yet published.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Amazon.com.
In Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I, renowned scholar Gerhard Kubik takes the reader across the Atlantic from Africa to the Americas and then back in pursuit of the music we call jazz. This first volume explores the term itself and how jazz has been defined and redefined. It also celebrates the phenomena of jazz performance and uncovers hidden gems of jazz history. The volume offers insights gathered during Kubik’s extensive field work and based on in-depth interviews with jazz musicians around the Atlantic world. Languages, world views, beliefs, experiences, attitudes, and commodities all play a role. Kubik reveals what is most important―the expertise of individual musical innovators on both sides of the Atlantic, and hidden relationships in their thoughts.Besides the common African origins of much vocabulary and structure, all the expressions of jazz in Africa share transatlantic family relationships. Within that framework, musicians are creating and re-creating jazz in never-ending contacts and exchanges. The first of two volumes, Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I examines this transatlantic history, sociolinguistics, musicology, and the biographical study of personalities in jazz during the twentieth century. This volume traces the African and African American influences on the creation of the jazz sound and traces specific African traditions as they transform into American jazz. Kubik seeks to describe the constant mixing of sources and traditions, so he includes influences of European music in both volumes. These works will become essential and indelible parts of jazz history., Hardcover, Label: University Press of Mississippi, University Press of Mississippi, Product group: Book, Published: 2017-11-15, Studio: University Press of Mississippi.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Amazon.com.
In Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I, renowned scholar Gerhard Kubik takes the reader across the Atlantic from Africa to the Americas and then back in pursuit of the music we call jazz. This first volume explores the term itself and how jazz has been defined and redefined. It also celebrates the phenomena of jazz performance and uncovers hidden gems of jazz history. The volume offers insights gathered during Kubik’s extensive field work and based on in-depth interviews with jazz musicians around the Atlantic world. Languages, world views, beliefs, experiences, attitudes, and commodities all play a role. Kubik reveals what is most important―the expertise of individual musical innovators on both sides of the Atlantic, and hidden relationships in their thoughts.Besides the common African origins of much vocabulary and structure, all the expressions of jazz in Africa share transatlantic family relationships. Within that framework, musicians are creating and re-creating jazz in never-ending contacts and exchanges. The first of two volumes, Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I examines this transatlantic history, sociolinguistics, musicology, and the biographical study of personalities in jazz during the twentieth century. This volume traces the African and African American influences on the creation of the jazz sound and traces specific African traditions as they transform into American jazz. Kubik seeks to describe the constant mixing of sources and traditions, so he includes influences of European music in both volumes. These works will become essential and indelible parts of jazz history., Hardcover, Label: University Press of Mississippi, University Press of Mississippi, Product group: Book, Published: 2017-11-15, Studio: University Press of Mississippi.

Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I: The African Undercurrent in Twentieth-Century Jazz Culture

ISBN: 9781628462302 bzw. 1628462302, Band: 1, in Englisch, University Press of Mississippi, gebundenes Buch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock.
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Die Beschreibung dieses Angebotes ist von geringer Qualität oder in einer Fremdsprache. Trotzdem anzeigen

Jazz Transatlantic, Volume I: The African Undercurrent in Twentieth-Century Jazz Culture

ISBN: 9781496825681 bzw. 1496825683, Band: 1, vermutlich in Englisch, University Press of Mississippi, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock.
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Die Beschreibung dieses Angebotes ist von geringer Qualität oder in einer Fremdsprache. Trotzdem anzeigen