Lone Star Stud - 2 Angebote vergleichen

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9781628150582 - Cort Martin: Lone Star Stud
Cort Martin

Lone Star Stud (2009)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9781628150582 bzw. 1628150580, in Englisch, Speaking Volumes, Speaking Volumes, Speaking Volumes, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

2,90 (£ 2,49)¹
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Lieferung aus: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, in-stock.
HORSE THIEVES RIDE HARD ON BOLT'S FILLIES-AND ARE OUT TO GET HIS HIDE! Deciding to settle just outside San Antonio, brothel owner Jared Bolt buys the Rocking Bar Ranch with plans to make it one of the biggest spreads in Texas-with a stable of the sexiest fillies in the Lone Star State. Bolt has no trouble roping in the sleekest beauties around, but before he can break anyone in, he's caught in the middle of a range war. Surly Judge Whitmore and sneaky Jack Cullen both want a grab at the Rocking Bar's water-and at its women as well. Then bullets start flying out of nowhere and Bolt has to get ready quick to protect his property. But even if he has to mount fast and ride hard, he won't stop bucking until he fires his final load!
9781628150582 - Cort Martin: Lone Star Stud
Cort Martin

Lone Star Stud (2015)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Niederlande EN NW EB

ISBN: 9781628150582 bzw. 1628150580, in Englisch, Speaking Volumes, neu, E-Book.

Lieferung aus: Niederlande, Direct beschikbaar.
HORSE THIEVES RIDE HARD ON BOLT’S FILLIES—AND ARE OUT TO GET HIS HIDE!Deciding to settle just outside San Antonio, brothel owner Jared Bolt buys the Rocking Bar Ranch with plans to make it one of the biggest spreads in Texas—with a stable of the sexiest fillies in the Lone Star State. Bolt has no trouble roping in the sleekest beauties around, but before he can break anyone in, he's caught in the middle of a range war.Surly Judge Whitmore and sneaky Jack Cullen both want a grab at the Rocking Bar's water—and at its women as well. Then bullets start flying out of nowhere and Bolt has to get ready quick to protect his property. But even if he has to mount fast and ride hard, he won't stop bucking until he fires his final load!Taal: Engels;Formaat: ePub met kopieerbeveiliging (DRM) van Adobe;Kopieerrechten: Het kopiëren van (delen van) de pagina's is niet toegestaan ;Geschikt voor: Alle e-readers te koop bij bol.com (of compatible met Adobe DRM). Telefoons/tablets met Google Android (1.6 of hoger) voorzien van bol.com boekenbol app. PC en Mac met Adobe reader software;Verschijningsdatum: april 2015;ISBN10: 1628150580;ISBN13: 9781628150582; Engelstalig | Ebook | 2015.