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ISBN: 9781625289810
Bester Preis: € 3,91 (vom 11.08.2016)Aus dem Archiv:

Winged (2014)

ISBN: 9781625289810 bzw. 1625289812, in Englisch, Corvallis Press, Corvallis Press, Corvallis Press, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Frankreich, in-stock.
Emma Larnex feels that there is nothing special about her or the small-town life she is leading. She's not captain of a sports team, she's not top of her class and she's not popular. As a matter of fact, most classmates go out of their way to completely ignore her. All of that changes, however, when she meets the new student in school. Viper Amest is one of the most beautiful people Emma has ever seen, and is shocked when he seems to be unusually drawn to her. As they spend time together she gets the feeling that he knows her better than even she does. Emma's once normal life is shattered when she discovers that she can form Dragonfly wings to her back, learns of another world threatened by war and is told about a civilization of people that have astonishing abilities. Oh, and everyone seems to think that those Dragonfly wings means it's her destiny to save them all from pending devastation. Her journey begins when she finds herself having to decide if she is ready to let go of everything she knows and trade in her painstakingly dull life for unimaginable adventure.
Emma Larnex feels that there is nothing special about her or the small-town life she is leading. She's not captain of a sports team, she's not top of her class and she's not popular. As a matter of fact, most classmates go out of their way to completely ignore her. All of that changes, however, when she meets the new student in school. Viper Amest is one of the most beautiful people Emma has ever seen, and is shocked when he seems to be unusually drawn to her. As they spend time together she gets the feeling that he knows her better than even she does. Emma's once normal life is shattered when she discovers that she can form Dragonfly wings to her back, learns of another world threatened by war and is told about a civilization of people that have astonishing abilities. Oh, and everyone seems to think that those Dragonfly wings means it's her destiny to save them all from pending devastation. Her journey begins when she finds herself having to decide if she is ready to let go of everything she knows and trade in her painstakingly dull life for unimaginable adventure.
Kategorie: Fiction
Schlüsselwörter: Winged Sofia Vargas Fantasy and Magic Fiction 9781625289810
Daten vom 11.08.2016 08:28h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 1-62528-981-2, 978-1-62528-981-0
Schlüsselwörter: Winged Sofia Vargas Fantasy and Magic Fiction 9781625289810
Daten vom 11.08.2016 08:28h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 1-62528-981-2, 978-1-62528-981-0
Zuerst gefunden: 11.08.2016 08:28:51
Zuletzt gefunden: 11.08.2016 08:28:51
Kleinster Preis: € 3,91 (vom 11.08.2016 08:28:51)
Höchster Preis: € 3,91 (vom 11.08.2016 08:28:51)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
Zuletzt gefunden: 11.08.2016 08:28:51
Kleinster Preis: € 3,91 (vom 11.08.2016 08:28:51)
Höchster Preis: € 3,91 (vom 11.08.2016 08:28:51)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
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