The Analytical Marketer - ein Angebot gefunden
Bester Preis: € 23,79 (vom 11.08.2016)The Analytical Marketer (2016)
ISBN: 9781625278463 bzw. 1625278462, in Englisch, Harvard Business Review Press, Harvard Business Review Press, Harvard Business Review Press, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Analytics are driving big changes, not only in what marketing departments do but in how they are organized, staffed, led, and run. Leaders are grappling with issues that range from building an analytically driven marketing organization and determining the kinds of structure and talent that are needed, to leading interactions with IT, finance, and sales and creating a unified view of the customer. The Analytical Marketer provides critical insight into the changing marketing organization-digital, agile, and analytical-and the tools for reinventing it. Written by the Senior Vice President of Global Marketing for SAS, The Analytical Marketer is based on firsthand experience. Challenged to change by its company's own analytical products, the SAS marketing organization was forced to rethink itself in order to take advantage of the new capabilities that those tools offer the modern marketer. Key marketers and managers at SAS tell their stories alongside the author's candid lessons learned as she led the marketing organization's transformation. With additional examples from other leading companies, this book is a practical guide to creating a set of best practices and a new marketing culture that thrives on and adds value through data and analytics.
Schlüsselwörter: The Analytical Marketer Adele Sweetwood, Thomas H. Davenport Decision Making & Problem Solving Management & Leadership 9781625278463
Daten vom 11.08.2016 08:28h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 1-62527-846-2, 978-1-62527-846-3
Zuletzt gefunden: 11.08.2016 08:28:45
Kleinster Preis: € 23,79 (vom 11.08.2016 08:28:45)
Höchster Preis: € 23,79 (vom 11.08.2016 08:28:45)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
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