For Those They Serve - 5 Angebote vergleichen

Bester Preis: 2,67 (vom 11.08.2016)
9781625166647 - Gwyn Roberts: For Those They Serve
Gwyn Roberts

For Those They Serve (2014)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Frankreich EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9781625166647 bzw. 1625166648, in Englisch, SBP, SBP, SBP, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

Lieferung aus: Frankreich, in-stock.
For Those They Serve is an action-packed thriller about a plan to steal the Crown Jewels of Great Britain. Because of the world crises, Major Wilson's rifle company has been involved in near continual combat situations, causing the Major to grow disillusioned and angry at the way his men have been killed and injured, due to the British Government's foreign policy. One day the Major is sitting in the officer's mess when one of his officers tells him he has heard of a hypothetical plan to steal the Crown Jewels while their battalion is on public duties in London. The more Wilson thinks about it, the more he feels this simple plan might actually work. Ultimately he decides that if the British Government doesn't care about compensating his men for their sacrifices then he will do something about it himself. Along with the officers and Senior NCO's of his rifle company, Wilson hatches a plan to carry out the most audacious robbery in the history of the United Kingdom. But then, of course, every plan has its shortcomings….
9781625166647 - Roberts, Gwyn: For Those They Serve
Roberts, Gwyn

For Those They Serve

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN NW EB

ISBN: 9781625166647 bzw. 1625166648, in Englisch, SBPRA, neu, E-Book.

2,67 ($ 2,99)¹
versandkostenfrei, unverbindlich
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, E-Book zum download.
Fiction, For Those They Serve is an action-packed thriller about a plan to steal the Crown Jewels of Great Britain.Because of the world crises, Major Wilson's rifle company has been involved in near continual combat situations, causing the Major to grow disillusioned and angry at the way his men have been killed and injured, due to the British Government's foreign policy.One day the Major is sitting in the officer's mess when one of his officers tells him he has heard of a hypothetical plan to steal the Crown Jewels while their battalion is on public duties in London. The more Wilson thinks about it, the more he feels this simple plan might actually work. Ultimately he decides that if the British Government doesn't care about compensating his men for their sacrifices then he will do something about it himself. Along with the officers and Senior NCO's of his rifle company, Wilson hatches a plan to carry out the most audacious robbery in the history of the United Kingdom.But then, of course, every plan has its shortcomings, eBook.
9781625166647 - Gwyn Roberts: For Those They Serve
Gwyn Roberts

For Those They Serve (2013)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Niederlande EN NW EB

ISBN: 9781625166647 bzw. 1625166648, in Englisch, Sbp, neu, E-Book.

Lieferung aus: Niederlande, Direct beschikbaar.
For Those They Serve is an action-packed thriller about a plan to steal the Crown Jewels of Great Britain. Because of the world crises, Major Wilson’s rifle company has been involved in near continual combat situations, causing the Major to grow disillusioned and angry at the way his men have been killed and injured, due to the British Government’s foreign policy. One day the Major is sitting in the officer’s mess when one of his officers tells him he has heard of a hypothetical plan to steal th... For Those They Serve is an action-packed thriller about a plan to steal the Crown Jewels of Great Britain. Because of the world crises, Major Wilson’s rifle company has been involved in near continual combat situations, causing the Major to grow disillusioned and angry at the way his men have been killed and injured, due to the British Government’s foreign policy. One day the Major is sitting in the officer’s mess when one of his officers tells him he has heard of a hypothetical plan to steal the Crown Jewels while their battalion is on public duties in London. The more Wilson thinks about it, the more he feels this simple plan might actually work. Ultimately he decides that if the British Government doesn’t care about compensating his men for their sacrifices then he will do something about it himself. Along with the officers and Senior NCO’s of his rifle company, Wilson hatches a plan to carry out the most audacious robbery in the history of the United Kingdom. But then, of course, every plan has its shortcomings…Taal: Engels;Formaat: ePub met kopieerbeveiliging (DRM) van Adobe;Bestandsgrootte: 0.54 MB;Kopieerrechten: Het kopiëren van (delen van) de pagina's is niet toegestaan ;Printrechten: Het printen van de pagina's is niet toegestaan;Voorleesfunctie: De voorleesfunctie is uitgeschakeld;Geschikt voor: Alle e-readers geschikt voor ebooks in ePub formaat. Tablet of smartphone voorzien van een app zoals de Kobo app.;Verschijningsdatum: maart 2013;ISBN10: 1625166648;ISBN13: 9781625166647; Engelstalig | Ebook | 2013.
9781625166647 - Gwyn Roberts: For Those They Serve
Gwyn Roberts

For Those They Serve (2013)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Frankreich EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9781625166647 bzw. 1625166648, in Englisch, SBPRA, SBPRA, SBPRA, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

Lieferung aus: Frankreich, in-stock.
For Those They Serve is an action-packed thriller about a plan to steal the Crown Jewels of Great Britain-Because of the world crises, Major Wilsons rifle company has been involved in near continual combat situations, causing the Major to grow disillusioned and angry at the way his men have been killed and injured, due to the British Governments foreign policy-One day the Major is sitting in the officers mess when one of his officers tells him he has heard of a hypothetical plan to steal the Crown Jewels while their battalion is on public duties in London. The more Wilson thinks about it, the more he feels this simple plan might actually work. Ultimately he decides that if the British Government doesnt care about compensating his men for their sacrifices then he will do something about it himself. Along with the officers and Senior NCOs of his rifle company, Wilson hatches a plan to carry out the most audacious robbery in the history of the United Kingdom-But then, of course, every plan has its shortcomings….
9781625166647 - Gwyn Roberts: For Those They Serve
Gwyn Roberts

For Those They Serve

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9781625166647 bzw. 1625166648, in Englisch, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

Lieferung aus: Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten.