Forbidden Army: Mystery of China's Terracotta Warriors (English Edition)
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Forbidden Army: Mystery of China's Terracotta Warriors (English Edition) (2012)

ISBN: 9781624939532 bzw. 1624939538, in Englisch, 79 Seiten, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, E-Book zum Download.
On a morning in 1974 an old peasant was digging a well on his farm in Xianji Province, China. Twelve feet down his shovel struck something. It turned out to be part of an ancient terracotta sculpture. Further digging unearthed more than 8,000 terracotta warriors. It was a find of such magnitude and detail as to become China's most revered treasure. Forbidden Army is the first novel to investigate this remarkable discovery. It follows a group of visitors to China. In Xian they pause to view the tomb of the First Emperor and his 8,000 terracotta warriors. As they encircle the dig site, they witness two crimes. A fellow tourist has disappeared, and a prime terracotta warrior has been stolen. In the tour there is Bert, a Chicago architect trying to get over a tangled love affair. He is attracted to another traveler, Karen, a beautiful young reporter traveling with her father, a retired military officer. A government inspector is assigned to find the missing tourist and terracotta soldier. Why the double disappearance? Is there a connection? A complex puzzle much like a series of Chinese boxes unwinds through this suspenseful mystery. Approximately 15,000 word novelette. Kindle Edition, Format: Kindle eBook, Produktgruppe: eBooks, Publiziert: 2012-10-23, Freigegeben: 2012-10-23.
On a morning in 1974 an old peasant was digging a well on his farm in Xianji Province, China. Twelve feet down his shovel struck something. It turned out to be part of an ancient terracotta sculpture. Further digging unearthed more than 8,000 terracotta warriors. It was a find of such magnitude and detail as to become China's most revered treasure. Forbidden Army is the first novel to investigate this remarkable discovery. It follows a group of visitors to China. In Xian they pause to view the tomb of the First Emperor and his 8,000 terracotta warriors. As they encircle the dig site, they witness two crimes. A fellow tourist has disappeared, and a prime terracotta warrior has been stolen. In the tour there is Bert, a Chicago architect trying to get over a tangled love affair. He is attracted to another traveler, Karen, a beautiful young reporter traveling with her father, a retired military officer. A government inspector is assigned to find the missing tourist and terracotta soldier. Why the double disappearance? Is there a connection? A complex puzzle much like a series of Chinese boxes unwinds through this suspenseful mystery. Approximately 15,000 word novelette. Kindle Edition, Format: Kindle eBook, Produktgruppe: eBooks, Publiziert: 2012-10-23, Freigegeben: 2012-10-23.
Schlüsselwörter: Action & Abenteuer, Anthologien, Buch zum Film, Familiensagen, Historisch, Horror, Krieg, Medizin, Metaphysisch, Männerabenteuer, Märchen, Politisch, Religion & Esoterik, Schwul & Lesbisch, Seeabenteuer, Sport, Western, Fremdsprachige Bücher, Belletristik, Populäre Belletristik, Krimis & Thriller, Kindle-Shop, Kindle eBooks, Fremdsprachige eBooks, Englische eBooks
Daten vom 24.08.2015 14:41h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 1-62493-953-8, 978-1-62493-953-2
Daten vom 24.08.2015 14:41h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 1-62493-953-8, 978-1-62493-953-2
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Zuletzt gefunden: 24.08.2015 14:42:10
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
Zuletzt gefunden: 24.08.2015 14:42:10
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
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