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Calm Birth, Revised100%: David Chamberlain, Robert Bruce Newman, Sandra Bardsley: Calm Birth, Revised (ISBN: 9781623170585) 2016, in Englisch, Taschenbuch.
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Calm Birth, Revised: Prenatal Meditation for Conscious Childbirth Author87%: Chamberlain, David; Newman, Robert Bruce; Bardsley, Sandra: Calm Birth, Revised: Prenatal Meditation for Conscious Childbirth Author (ISBN: 9781623170578) North Atlantic Books, in Englisch, Taschenbuch.
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Calm Birth, Revised - 14 Angebote vergleichen

Bester Preis: 11,76 (vom 05.02.2020)
9781623170578 - Calm Birth, Revised

Calm Birth, Revised

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland EN NW

ISBN: 9781623170578 bzw. 1623170575, in Englisch, neu.

11,36 (£ 10,41)¹
versandkostenfrei, unverbindlich
The "trauma of childbirth" is a commonly heard phrase, but one that Calm Birth authoritatively counters. A resource for pregnant women and birth workers looking for empowering mind-body practices for a healthier kind of birth, this edition, revised with updated research and new material, shows how we can restore childbirth to its sacred status. The Calm Birth method, based on successful programs of the Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, combines three proven practices?relaxation, meditation, and healing?with current scientific knowledge to nurture the expectant mother's natural ability to give birth in true harmony with her body and her baby. Newman contextualizes the multilayered method within the existing literature of mind-body medicine and meditation science, as well as the meditation traditions from which two of the methods originate. In eight inspiring case studies of women who have experienced calm births, the author complements the thoughts of renowned experts including Carlos Castaneda and Carolyn Myss. With 25% new material, this revised edition contains a new foreword by Sandra Bardsley, updated research in the fields of meditation, birth, and the prenatal period, two new birth stories, three new chapters, and new photo documentation. Contents Foreword by David B. Chamberlain, PhD Foreword by Sandra Bardsley, RN. FACCE, LCCE, CD Preface 1. Background 2. Prenatal Meditation 3. Childbirth in the Human Energy System 4. Pregnancy as a Path of Human Development and Evolution 5. The Calm Birth® Method 6. Calm Births 7. Calm Mother Practices: Empowering Postnatal Care 8. New Childbirth Medicine 9. The Evolution of Mind-Body Practice in Obstetrics 10. Toward a New Era of Childbirth Education Glossary Resources References Notes Index.
9781623170585 - Calm Birth, Revised

Calm Birth, Revised (2016)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland ~EN NW EB

ISBN: 9781623170585 bzw. 1623170583, vermutlich in Englisch, North Atlantic Books, neu, E-Book.

Lieferung aus: Deutschland, Sofort per Download lieferbar.
The 'trauma of childbirth' is a commonly heard phrase, but one that Calm Birth authoritatively counters. A resource for pregnant women and birth workers looking for empowering mind-body practices for a healthier kind of birth, this edition, revised with updated research and new material, shows how we can restore childbirth to its sacred status. The Calm Birth method, based on successful programs of the Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, combines three proven practices-relaxation, meditation, and healing-with current scientific knowledge to nurture the expectant mother's natural ability to give birth in true harmony with her body and her baby. Newman contextualizes the multilayered method within the existing literature of mind-body medicine and meditation science, as well as the meditation traditions from which two of the methods originate. In eight inspiring case studies of women who have experienced calm births, the author complements the thoughts of renowned experts including Carlos Castaneda and Carolyn Myss. With 25% new material, this revised edition contains a new foreword by Sandra Bardsley, updated research in the fields of meditation, birth, and the prenatal period, two new birth stories, three new chapters, and new photo documentation. ePUB, 02.08.2016.
9781623170585 - Robert Bruce Newman: Calm Birth, Revised, Prenatal Meditation for Conscious Childbirth
Robert Bruce Newman

Calm Birth, Revised, Prenatal Meditation for Conscious Childbirth (2016)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Niederlande EN PB NW EB

ISBN: 9781623170585 bzw. 1623170583, in Englisch, North Atlantic Books, Taschenbuch, neu, E-Book.

Lieferung aus: Niederlande, Direct beschikbaar.
The “trauma of childbirth” is a commonly heard phrase, but one that Calm Birth authoritatively counters. A resource for pregnant women and birth workers looking for empowering mind-body practices for a healthier kind of birth, this edition, revised with updated research and new material, shows how we can restore childbirth to its sacred status. The Calm Birth method, based on successful programs of the Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, combines three prov... The “trauma of childbirth” is a commonly heard phrase, but one that Calm Birth authoritatively counters. A resource for pregnant women and birth workers looking for empowering mind-body practices for a healthier kind of birth, this edition, revised with updated research and new material, shows how we can restore childbirth to its sacred status. The Calm Birth method, based on successful programs of the Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, combines three proven practices—relaxation, meditation, and healing—with current scientific knowledge to nurture the expectant mother’s natural ability to give birth in true harmony with her body and her baby. Newman contextualizes the multilayered method within the existing literature of mind-body medicine and meditation science, as well as the meditation traditions from which two of the methods originate. In eight inspiring case studies of women who have experienced calm births, the author complements the thoughts of renowned experts including Carlos Castaneda and Carolyn Myss. With 25% new material, this revised edition contains a new foreword by Sandra Bardsley, updated research in the fields of meditation, birth, and the prenatal period, two new birth stories, three new chapters, and new photo documentation. From the Trade Paperback edition.Taal: Engels;Formaat: ePub met kopieerbeveiliging (DRM) van Adobe;Kopieerrechten: Het kopiëren van (delen van) de pagina's is niet toegestaan ;Geschikt voor: Alle e-readers te koop bij bol.com (of compatible met Adobe DRM). Telefoons/tablets met Google Android (1.6 of hoger) voorzien van bol.com boekenbol app. PC en Mac met Adobe reader software;Verschijningsdatum: augustus 2016;ISBN10: 1623170583;ISBN13: 9781623170585; Engelstalig | Ebook | 2016.
9781623170585 - Robert Bruce Newman: Calm Birth, Revised (eBook, ePUB)
Robert Bruce Newman

Calm Birth, Revised (eBook, ePUB)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland EN PB NW EB

ISBN: 9781623170585 bzw. 1623170583, in Englisch, North Atlantic Books, Taschenbuch, neu, E-Book.

Lieferung aus: Deutschland, zzgl. Versandkosten.
The ´´trauma of childbirth´´ is a commonly heard phrase, but one that Calm Birth authoritatively counters. A resource for pregnant women and birth workers looking for empowering mind-body practices for a healthier kind of birth, this edition, revised with updated research and new material, shows how we can restore childbirth to its sacred status. The Calm Birth method, based on successful programs of the Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, combines three The ´´trauma of childbirth´´ is a commonly heard phrase, but one that Calm Birth authoritatively counters. A resource for pregnant women and birth workers looking for empowering mind-body practices for a healthier kind of birth, this edition, revised with updated research and new material, shows how we can restore childbirth to its sacred status. The Calm Birth method, based on successful programs of the Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, combines three proven practices-relaxation, meditation, and healing-with current scientific knowledge to nurture the expectant mother´s natural ability to give birth in true harmony with her body and her baby. Newman contextualizes the multilayered method within the existing literature of mind-body medicine and meditation science, as well as the meditation traditions from which two of the methods originate. In eight inspiring case studies of women who have experienced calm births, the author complements the thoughts of renowned experts including Carlos Castaneda and Carolyn Myss. With 25% new material, this revised edition contains a new foreword by Sandra Bardsley, updated research in the fields of meditation, birth, and the prenatal period, two new birth stories, three new chapters, and new photo documentation. From the Trade Paperback edition. Lieferzeit 1-2 Werktage.
9781623170578 - Chamberlain, David; Newman, Robert Bruce; Bardsley, Sandra: Calm Birth, Revised
Chamberlain, David; Newman, Robert Bruce; Bardsley, Sandra

Calm Birth, Revised

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN PB NW EB

ISBN: 9781623170578 bzw. 1623170575, in Englisch, North Atlantic Books, Taschenbuch, neu, E-Book.

10,95 ($ 12,99)¹
versandkostenfrei, unverbindlich
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Ebook for download.
Body Mind & Spirit, The trauma of childbirth is a commonly heard phrase, but one that Calm Birth authoritatively counters. A resource for pregnant women and birth workers looking for empowering mind-body practices for a healthier kind of birth, this edition, revised with updated research and new material, shows how we can restore childbirth to its sacred status. The Calm Birth method, based on successful programs of the Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, combines three proven practicesrelaxation, meditation, and healingwith current scientific knowledge to nurture the expectant mother's natural ability to give birth in true harmony with her body and her baby. Newman contextualizes the multilayered method within the existing literature of mind-body medicine and meditation science, as well as the meditation traditions from which two of the methods originate. In eight inspiring case studies of women who have experienced calm births, the author complements the thoughts of renowned experts including Carlos Castaneda and Carolyn Myss. With 25% new material, this revised edition contains a new foreword by Sandra Bardsley, updated research in the fields of meditation, birth, and the prenatal period, two new birth stories, three new chapters, and new photo documentation. From the Trade Paperback edition. eBook.
9781623170585 - David Chamberlain, Robert Bruce Newman, Sandra Bardsley: Calm Birth, Revised
David Chamberlain, Robert Bruce Newman, Sandra Bardsley

Calm Birth, Revised (2016)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland EN PB NW EB DL

ISBN: 9781623170585 bzw. 1623170583, in Englisch, North Atlantic Books, North Atlantic Books, North Atlantic Books, Taschenbuch, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

12,43 (£ 10,67)¹
versandkostenfrei, unverbindlich
Lieferung aus: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, in-stock.
The "trauma of childbirth" is a commonly heard phrase, but one that Calm Birth authoritatively counters. A resource for pregnant women and birth workers looking for empowering mind-body practices for a healthier kind of birth, this edition, revised with updated research and new material, shows how we can restore childbirth to its sacred status. The Calm Birth method, based on successful programs of the Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, combines three proven practices-relaxation, meditation, and healing-with current scientific knowledge to nurture the expectant mother's natural ability to give birth in true harmony with her body and her baby. Newman contextualizes the multilayered method within the existing literature of mind-body medicine and meditation science, as well as the meditation traditions from which two of the methods originate. In eight inspiring case studies of women who have experienced calm births, the author complements the thoughts of renowned experts including Carlos Castaneda and Carolyn Myss. With 25% new material, this revised edition contains a new foreword by Sandra Bardsley, updated research in the fields of meditation, birth, and the prenatal period, two new birth stories, three new chapters, and new photo documentation. From the Trade Paperback edition.
9781623170585 - Robert Bruce Newman: Calm Birth, Revised - Prenatal Meditation for Conscious Childbirth
Robert Bruce Newman

Calm Birth, Revised - Prenatal Meditation for Conscious Childbirth

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland ~EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9781623170585 bzw. 1623170583, vermutlich in Englisch, North Atlantic Books, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

18,99 + Versand: 9,90 = 28,89
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, Spedizione gratuita.
Calm Birth, Revised: The `trauma of childbirth` is a commonly heard phrase, but one that Calm Birth authoritatively counters. A resource for pregnant women and birth workers looking for empowering mind-body practices for a healthier kind of birth, this edition, revised with updated research and new material, shows how we can restore childbirth to its sacred status. The Calm Birth method, based on successful programs of the Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, combines three proven practices-relaxation, meditation, and healing-with current scientific knowledge to nurture the expectant mother`s natural ability to give birth in true harmony with her body and her baby. Newman contextualizes the multilayered method within the existing literature of mind-body medicine and meditation science, as well as the meditation traditions from which two of the methods originate. In eight inspiring case studies of women who have experienced calm births, the author complements the thoughts of renowned experts including Carlos Castaneda and Carolyn Myss. With 25% new material, this revised edition contains a new foreword by Sandra Bardsley, updated research in the fields of meditation, birth, and the prenatal period, two new birth stories, three new chapters, and new photo documentation. Englisch, Ebook.
9781623170585 - Calm Birth, Revised: Prenatal Meditation for Conscious Childbirth Robert Bruce Newman Author

Calm Birth, Revised: Prenatal Meditation for Conscious Childbirth Robert Bruce Newman Author

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika ~EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9781623170585 bzw. 1623170583, vermutlich in Englisch, North Atlantic Books, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

11,76 ($ 12,99)¹
versandkostenfrei, unverbindlich
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In magazzino.
The “trauma of childbirth” is a commonly heard phrase, but one that Calm Birth authoritatively counters. A resource for pregnant women and birth workers looking for empowering mind-body practices for a healthier kind of birth, this edition, revised with updated research and new material, shows how we can restore childbirth to its sacred status. The Calm Birth method, based on successful programs of the Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, combines three proven practices—relaxation, meditation, and healing—with current scientific knowledge to nurture the expectant mother’s natural ability to give birth in true harmony with her body and her baby. Newman contextualizes the multilayered method within the existing literature of mind-body medicine and meditation science, as well as the meditation traditions from which two of the methods originate. In eight inspiring case studies of women who have experienced calm births, the author complements the thoughts of renowned experts including Carlos Castaneda and Carolyn Myss. With 25% new material, this revised edition contains a new foreword by Sandra Bardsley, updated research in the fields of meditation, birth, and the prenatal period, two new birth stories, three new chapters, and new photo documentation.
9781623170578 - Calm Birth, Revised: Prenatal Meditation for Conscious Childbirth Robert Bruce Newman Author

Calm Birth, Revised: Prenatal Meditation for Conscious Childbirth Robert Bruce Newman Author

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika ~EN PB NW

ISBN: 9781623170578 bzw. 1623170575, vermutlich in Englisch, North Atlantic Books, Taschenbuch, neu.

16,25 ($ 17,95)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In magazzino, più spese di spedizione.
The “trauma of childbirth” is a commonly heard phrase, but one that Calm Birth authoritatively counters. A resource for pregnant women and birth workers looking for empowering mind-body practices for a healthier kind of birth, this edition, revised with updated research and new material, shows how we can restore childbirth to its sacred status. The Calm Birth method, based on successful programs of the Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, combines three proven practices—relaxation, meditation, and healing—with current scientific knowledge to nurture the expectant mother’s natural ability to give birth in true harmony with her body and her baby. Newman contextualizes the multilayered method within the existing literature of mind-body medicine and meditation science, as well as the meditation traditions from which two of the methods originate. In eight inspiring case studies of women who have experienced calm births, the author complements the thoughts of renowned experts including Carlos Castaneda and Carolyn Myss. With 25% new material, this revised edition contains a new foreword by Sandra Bardsley, updated research in the fields of meditation, birth, and the prenatal period, two new birth stories, three new chapters, and new photo documentation.
9781623170578 - Calm Birth, Revised: Prenatal Meditation For Conscious Childbirth

Calm Birth, Revised: Prenatal Meditation For Conscious Childbirth

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Kanada ~EN NW

ISBN: 9781623170578 bzw. 1623170575, vermutlich in Englisch, neu.

16,02 (C$ 23,50)¹
Lieferung aus: Kanada, In magazzino, più spese di spedizione.
The “trauma of childbirth” is a commonly heard phrase, but one that Calm Birth authoritatively counters. A resource for pregnant women and birth workers looking for empowering mind-body practices for a healthier kind of birth, this edition, revised with updated research and new material, shows how we can restore childbirth to its sacred status. The Calm Birth method, based on successful programs of the Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, combines three proven practices—relaxation, meditation, and healing—with current scientific knowledge to nurture the expectant mother’s natural ability to give birth in true harmony with her body and her baby. Newman contextualizes the multilayered method within the existing literature of mind-body medicine and meditation science, as well as the meditation traditions from which two of the methods originate. In eight inspiring case studies of women who have experienced calm births, the author complements the thoughts of renowned experts including Carlos Castaneda and Carolyn Myss. With 25% new material, this revised edition contains a new foreword by Sandra Bardsley, updated research in the fields of meditation, birth, and the prenatal period, two new birth stories, three new chapters, and new photo documentation.