A Growing Faith, Stories from Bed - 5 Angebote vergleichen
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A Growing Faith (2013)
ISBN: 9781622959259 bzw. 1622959256, in Englisch, 112 Seiten, Tate Publishing, Taschenbuch, gebraucht.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Usually ships in 1-2 business days.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Pennsylvania Book Depot.
In her sequel to In the Blink of an Eye...My Life With RSDS, Mary Jane Gonzales shares her continuing journey with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome/Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome, which led her to A Growing Faith. Though a believer for years, Mary Jane discovers the truth... ""You don't know God is all you need until he is all you have."" (Unknown) Join Mary Jane as she recounts the events of a unique and unexpected life; a life of crusading, though confined, of advocating for awareness and living a life of purpose. Although her disability keeps her from being active, she is sustained by faith and seeks to encourage others. Choosing to rise above her suffering, she is motivated to minister through her writing and card making. Like many others, she hopes to raise awareness of her disease to expand research and hasten a cure. This book is an inspiration to all who read it. It lets every person that suffers with RSDS/CRPS know that life is a journey and, with support from family and friends, they can make it. Dorothy Cormier, caregiver and friend, Paperback, Label: Tate Publishing, Tate Publishing, Produktgruppe: Book, Publiziert: 2013-03-12, Freigegeben: 2013-03-12, Studio: Tate Publishing, Verkaufsrang: 5350803.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Pennsylvania Book Depot.
In her sequel to In the Blink of an Eye...My Life With RSDS, Mary Jane Gonzales shares her continuing journey with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome/Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome, which led her to A Growing Faith. Though a believer for years, Mary Jane discovers the truth... ""You don't know God is all you need until he is all you have."" (Unknown) Join Mary Jane as she recounts the events of a unique and unexpected life; a life of crusading, though confined, of advocating for awareness and living a life of purpose. Although her disability keeps her from being active, she is sustained by faith and seeks to encourage others. Choosing to rise above her suffering, she is motivated to minister through her writing and card making. Like many others, she hopes to raise awareness of her disease to expand research and hasten a cure. This book is an inspiration to all who read it. It lets every person that suffers with RSDS/CRPS know that life is a journey and, with support from family and friends, they can make it. Dorothy Cormier, caregiver and friend, Paperback, Label: Tate Publishing, Tate Publishing, Produktgruppe: Book, Publiziert: 2013-03-12, Freigegeben: 2013-03-12, Studio: Tate Publishing, Verkaufsrang: 5350803.
A Growing Faith: Stories from Bed (2013)
ISBN: 9781622959259 bzw. 1622959256, in Englisch, 111 Seiten, Tate Pub & Enterprises Llc, Taschenbuch, gebraucht.
Lieferung aus: Kanada, Usually ships within 1 - 2 business days.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, _betterworldbooks_.
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Von Händler/Antiquariat, _betterworldbooks_.
Die Beschreibung dieses Angebotes ist von geringer Qualität oder in einer Fremdsprache. Trotzdem anzeigen
A Growing Faith: Stories from Bed (2013)
ISBN: 9781622959259 bzw. 1622959256, in Englisch, 111 Seiten, Tate Pub & Enterprises Llc, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Kanada, Usually ships within 1 - 2 business days.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Book Depository CA.
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Von Händler/Antiquariat, Book Depository CA.
Die Beschreibung dieses Angebotes ist von geringer Qualität oder in einer Fremdsprache. Trotzdem anzeigen