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Reports from a Distant Place

ISBN: 1622490002 bzw. 9781622490004, in Englisch, Zip Publishing/The Educational Publisher, gebraucht.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock.
history, Frank Shatz's book, Reports from a Distant Place, is about life in the shadow of death. It is a unique portrayal of survival during the Holocaust, by hiding in plain sight. It is also about living, dangerously, under the Red Star. The last chapter, In America, is about hope and a reinvented life. Frank Shatz is an eye-witness to the horrors and terrors of the 20th century, including the Holocaust and the imposition of an unforgiving communist ideology. But his life is much more than a tale of mere survival. It is, in reality, an affirmation of the human spirit, our universal yearning for freedom and dignity, and the unrivaled promise of the American dream. Ambassador Mitchell B. Reiss President Washington College Frank Shatz is among the last who can explain the Holocaust first-hand. After the war, he promoted the work of anti-communist underground in Eastern Europe. His columns convey insight, courage, luck, hope. Bill O'Donovan, publisher The Virginia Gazette Frank Shatz's tales of resisting Nazism and communism offers not only insight into the past but also inspiration for the future. Paul Aron, author of Unsolved Mysteries of History Frank Shatz's ability to describe situations such as life under the Nazi's heel, outside the concentration camps, and living twice under a repressive regime, ushers us into a world where survival was a daily question mark. His and his wife, Jaroslava's,.
history, Frank Shatz's book, Reports from a Distant Place, is about life in the shadow of death. It is a unique portrayal of survival during the Holocaust, by hiding in plain sight. It is also about living, dangerously, under the Red Star. The last chapter, In America, is about hope and a reinvented life. Frank Shatz is an eye-witness to the horrors and terrors of the 20th century, including the Holocaust and the imposition of an unforgiving communist ideology. But his life is much more than a tale of mere survival. It is, in reality, an affirmation of the human spirit, our universal yearning for freedom and dignity, and the unrivaled promise of the American dream. Ambassador Mitchell B. Reiss President Washington College Frank Shatz is among the last who can explain the Holocaust first-hand. After the war, he promoted the work of anti-communist underground in Eastern Europe. His columns convey insight, courage, luck, hope. Bill O'Donovan, publisher The Virginia Gazette Frank Shatz's tales of resisting Nazism and communism offers not only insight into the past but also inspiration for the future. Paul Aron, author of Unsolved Mysteries of History Frank Shatz's ability to describe situations such as life under the Nazi's heel, outside the concentration camps, and living twice under a repressive regime, ushers us into a world where survival was a daily question mark. His and his wife, Jaroslava's,.
Kategorie: History
Daten vom 10.01.2018 00:06h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 1-62249-000-2, 978-1-62249-000-4
Daten vom 10.01.2018 00:06h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 1-62249-000-2, 978-1-62249-000-4
Zuerst gefunden: 10.01.2018 00:06:32
Zuletzt gefunden: 10.01.2018 00:06:32
Kleinster Preis: € 18,07 (vom 10.01.2018 00:06:32)
Höchster Preis: € 18,07 (vom 10.01.2018 00:06:32)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
Zuletzt gefunden: 10.01.2018 00:06:32
Kleinster Preis: € 18,07 (vom 10.01.2018 00:06:32)
Höchster Preis: € 18,07 (vom 10.01.2018 00:06:32)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1
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