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Frederick Hill: The Life and Lessons of a Patriot for Children and Adults
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Bester Preis: € 3,29 (vom 02.12.2016)1

Frederick Hill

ISBN: 9781519558176 bzw. 1519558171, in Englisch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, in-stock.
An inspiring old-time story, with true historical facts, written and illustrated by Emma L. Nelson, this is an informative and uplifting book about a young man who fought on both sides during the American Revolutionary War. Step back in time and imagine that you are on the back porch with Frederick Hill as he spends an afternoon talking to his grandson, George Washington Holler, about his experiences in the War. He was brought over by the British in 1776 from Brunswick, Germany to fight the colonists, but he escaped from the British command, joined the American forces, and fought against the British throughout the rest of the War. Be prepared to be moved by the lessons Frederick Hill shared with his grandson. Those lessons can benefit all of us, children and adults alike, and they will be especially appreciated by today s freedom-loving Americans who fear the power of the federal government. Frederick Hill s lessons were timeless and prophetic, and involve the Founding Fathers, the Constitution of the United States, the Second and Tenth Amendments, freedom and liberty, the danger of debt, the real issue of the Whiskey Rebellion, the connection between government benefits and our possible demise, the difference between a democracy and a republic, and the definitive explanation of what a natural born citizen is, and why insisting that every president of the United States be a proven natural born citizen is critical to the survival of our nation. The author, Emma L. Nelson, has been an elementary teacher in the Mt. Lebanon School District, near Pittsburgh, for over forty years. Also, she and her husband are genealogists and historians, and they have researched, written, and published three other genealogical and historical investigations. In this second edition of her book about Frederick Hill, written for both children and adults, Emma L. Nelson brings together her strengths as a teacher, parent, published author, artist, and historian.
An inspiring old-time story, with true historical facts, written and illustrated by Emma L. Nelson, this is an informative and uplifting book about a young man who fought on both sides during the American Revolutionary War. Step back in time and imagine that you are on the back porch with Frederick Hill as he spends an afternoon talking to his grandson, George Washington Holler, about his experiences in the War. He was brought over by the British in 1776 from Brunswick, Germany to fight the colonists, but he escaped from the British command, joined the American forces, and fought against the British throughout the rest of the War. Be prepared to be moved by the lessons Frederick Hill shared with his grandson. Those lessons can benefit all of us, children and adults alike, and they will be especially appreciated by today s freedom-loving Americans who fear the power of the federal government. Frederick Hill s lessons were timeless and prophetic, and involve the Founding Fathers, the Constitution of the United States, the Second and Tenth Amendments, freedom and liberty, the danger of debt, the real issue of the Whiskey Rebellion, the connection between government benefits and our possible demise, the difference between a democracy and a republic, and the definitive explanation of what a natural born citizen is, and why insisting that every president of the United States be a proven natural born citizen is critical to the survival of our nation. The author, Emma L. Nelson, has been an elementary teacher in the Mt. Lebanon School District, near Pittsburgh, for over forty years. Also, she and her husband are genealogists and historians, and they have researched, written, and published three other genealogical and historical investigations. In this second edition of her book about Frederick Hill, written for both children and adults, Emma L. Nelson brings together her strengths as a teacher, parent, published author, artist, and historian.

Frederick Hill: The Life and Lessons of a Patriot for Children and Adults (2013)

ISBN: 9781622098439 bzw. 1622098439, in Englisch, Robert H. Nelson, Robert H. Nelson, Robert H. Nelson, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Frankreich, in-stock.
An inspiring old-time story, written and illustrated by Emma L. Nelson, Frederick Hill: The Life and Lessons of a Patriot for Children and Adults is an informative and uplifting eBook about a young man who fought on both sides during the American Revolutionary War. Step back in time and imagine that you are on the back porch with Frederick Hill as he spends an afternoon talking to his grandson, George Washington Holler, about his experiences in the War. He was brought over by the British in 1776 from Brunswick, Germany to fight the colonists, but he escaped from the British command, joined the American forces, and fought against the British throughout the rest of the War. Be prepared to be moved by the lessons Frederick Hill shared with his grandson. Those lessons can benefit all of us, children and adults alike, and they will be especially appreciated by today's freedom-loving Americans who fear the power of the federal government. Frederick Hill's lessons were timeless and prophetic, and involve the Founding Fathers, the Constitution of the United States, the Second and Tenth Amendments, freedom and liberty, the danger of debt, the real issue of the Whiskey Rebellion, the connection between government benefits and our possible demise, the difference between a democracy and a republic, and the definitive explanation of what a natural born citizen is, and why insisting that every president of the United States be a proven natural born citizen is critical to the survival of our nation.
An inspiring old-time story, written and illustrated by Emma L. Nelson, Frederick Hill: The Life and Lessons of a Patriot for Children and Adults is an informative and uplifting eBook about a young man who fought on both sides during the American Revolutionary War. Step back in time and imagine that you are on the back porch with Frederick Hill as he spends an afternoon talking to his grandson, George Washington Holler, about his experiences in the War. He was brought over by the British in 1776 from Brunswick, Germany to fight the colonists, but he escaped from the British command, joined the American forces, and fought against the British throughout the rest of the War. Be prepared to be moved by the lessons Frederick Hill shared with his grandson. Those lessons can benefit all of us, children and adults alike, and they will be especially appreciated by today's freedom-loving Americans who fear the power of the federal government. Frederick Hill's lessons were timeless and prophetic, and involve the Founding Fathers, the Constitution of the United States, the Second and Tenth Amendments, freedom and liberty, the danger of debt, the real issue of the Whiskey Rebellion, the connection between government benefits and our possible demise, the difference between a democracy and a republic, and the definitive explanation of what a natural born citizen is, and why insisting that every president of the United States be a proven natural born citizen is critical to the survival of our nation.

Frederick Hill: The Life and Lessons of a Patriot for Children and Adults

ISBN: 9781622098439 bzw. 1622098439, in Englisch, Robert H. Nelson, neu, E-Book.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Lagernd, zzgl. Versandkosten.
Frederick-Hill~~Emma-L-Nelson, Frederick Hill: The Life and Lessons of a Patriot for Children and Adults, NOOK Book (eBook).
Frederick-Hill~~Emma-L-Nelson, Frederick Hill: The Life and Lessons of a Patriot for Children and Adults, NOOK Book (eBook).

Frederick Hill: The Life and Lessons of a Patriot for Children and Adults

ISBN: 9781519558176 bzw. 1519558171, in Englisch, CreateSpace Publishing, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock.
Frederick-Hill~~Emma-L-Nelson, Frederick Hill: The Life and Lessons of a Patriot for Children and Adults, Paperback.
Frederick-Hill~~Emma-L-Nelson, Frederick Hill: The Life and Lessons of a Patriot for Children and Adults, Paperback.