The Shroud of Turin [DVD] - ein Angebot gefunden
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The Shroud of Turin [DVD] (2010)
ISBN: 9781621641940 bzw. 1621641945, in Englisch, Ignatius Press, neu.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock, plus shipping.
This is the definitive, most up to date collection of 4 stunning films on the Shroud of Turin that spans 38 years of award-winning filmmaking on the Shroud by acclaimed British film producer and director David Rolfe. This incredible collection includes the British Academy Award winning film, The Silent Witness , made in 1978; the remarkable film commissioned by the BBC in 2008, Shroud of Turin ; the Official Film of the 2010 Exposition of the Shroud in Turin, Shroud ; and, new for this edition, A Grave Injustice , telling how a recent carbon dating test of the Shroud that purportedly shows it to be a medieval fake was seriously flawed, and that a more accurate test has yet to be made. All four films use the latest scientific, historical, medical and archaeological research on the Shroud to reveal all the evidence for the authenticity of it as the burial cloth of Christ. The foremost experts worldwide on the Shroud were involved with these films, and Rolfe's film crew were given unprecedented access to the Shroud and filmed it in high definition. The Silent Witness This film broke box office records when it opened up in London in 1978. Kenneth More narrates what became the most successful film ever made on the subject, winning a British Academy Award and many other international prizes. This film greatly expanded interest in the Shroud worldwide. 53 minutes. English. Shroud of Turin Commissioned by the BBC in 2008, twenty years after the C14 test that cast a shadow over Shroud research, this film looks at how that test stands up against the weight of other evidence from history, archaeology, forensic medicine, art, and 3D analysis. It is the first film production to have direct access to film the Shroud in high definition. 59 minutes. English. Shroud The official film for the 2010 Exposition of the Shroud. Written by Ian Wilson, it tells the story of the Shroud for our modern age of high technology to show the image of the Man on the Shroud as never before seen. This film does not shrink from examining the religious significance of what has become the single most studied article in history. 48 minutes. In seven languages - English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Russian. The Shroud of Turin As explained by the world's foremost Shroud experts Keenly scientific, deeply compelling Sharing the latest scientific, historical, medical, and archaeological research New Expanded Edition Length:200 minutes, 2 discs DVD UPC: 817531010701.
This is the definitive, most up to date collection of 4 stunning films on the Shroud of Turin that spans 38 years of award-winning filmmaking on the Shroud by acclaimed British film producer and director David Rolfe. This incredible collection includes the British Academy Award winning film, The Silent Witness , made in 1978; the remarkable film commissioned by the BBC in 2008, Shroud of Turin ; the Official Film of the 2010 Exposition of the Shroud in Turin, Shroud ; and, new for this edition, A Grave Injustice , telling how a recent carbon dating test of the Shroud that purportedly shows it to be a medieval fake was seriously flawed, and that a more accurate test has yet to be made. All four films use the latest scientific, historical, medical and archaeological research on the Shroud to reveal all the evidence for the authenticity of it as the burial cloth of Christ. The foremost experts worldwide on the Shroud were involved with these films, and Rolfe's film crew were given unprecedented access to the Shroud and filmed it in high definition. The Silent Witness This film broke box office records when it opened up in London in 1978. Kenneth More narrates what became the most successful film ever made on the subject, winning a British Academy Award and many other international prizes. This film greatly expanded interest in the Shroud worldwide. 53 minutes. English. Shroud of Turin Commissioned by the BBC in 2008, twenty years after the C14 test that cast a shadow over Shroud research, this film looks at how that test stands up against the weight of other evidence from history, archaeology, forensic medicine, art, and 3D analysis. It is the first film production to have direct access to film the Shroud in high definition. 59 minutes. English. Shroud The official film for the 2010 Exposition of the Shroud. Written by Ian Wilson, it tells the story of the Shroud for our modern age of high technology to show the image of the Man on the Shroud as never before seen. This film does not shrink from examining the religious significance of what has become the single most studied article in history. 48 minutes. In seven languages - English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Russian. The Shroud of Turin As explained by the world's foremost Shroud experts Keenly scientific, deeply compelling Sharing the latest scientific, historical, medical, and archaeological research New Expanded Edition Length:200 minutes, 2 discs DVD UPC: 817531010701.
Kategorie: catname
Daten vom 26.05.2019 09:38h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 1-62164-194-5, 978-1-62164-194-0
Daten vom 26.05.2019 09:38h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 1-62164-194-5, 978-1-62164-194-0
Zuerst gefunden: 26.05.2019 09:38:33
Zuletzt gefunden: 14.08.2020 19:36:29
Kleinster Preis: € 21,13 (vom 14.08.2020 19:36:29)
Höchster Preis: € 23,13 (vom 25.03.2020 08:37:10)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 7
Zuletzt gefunden: 14.08.2020 19:36:29
Kleinster Preis: € 21,13 (vom 14.08.2020 19:36:29)
Höchster Preis: € 23,13 (vom 25.03.2020 08:37:10)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 7
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ISBN: 9781621641940
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