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Suite Surrender - 4 Angebote vergleichen
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Suite Surrender (2013)

ISBN: 9781621251408 bzw. 1621251403, in Englisch, Sassy Becca Romance, Sassy Becca Romance, Sassy Becca Romance, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Frankreich, in-stock.
SUITE SURRENDER - Shelli manages the naughty, exclusive Scimitar Hotel, but her own love life is pretty boring. Getting snowed in on the mountaintop with hot co-worker Tyler means acting out a fantasy she'll never forget. "All three novellas feature likable characters in sensuous scenarios. What sets Maynard's work apart from others in this genre is that she develops her characters and plotlines to the extent that the reader cares about what happens outside of the bedroom as well as within it." - Romantic Times Bookreviews "SUITE FANTASY is sweet, indeed. Romantic, entertaining, and sexy enough to leave you wanting more!" - New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster.
SUITE SURRENDER - Shelli manages the naughty, exclusive Scimitar Hotel, but her own love life is pretty boring. Getting snowed in on the mountaintop with hot co-worker Tyler means acting out a fantasy she'll never forget. "All three novellas feature likable characters in sensuous scenarios. What sets Maynard's work apart from others in this genre is that she develops her characters and plotlines to the extent that the reader cares about what happens outside of the bedroom as well as within it." - Romantic Times Bookreviews "SUITE FANTASY is sweet, indeed. Romantic, entertaining, and sexy enough to leave you wanting more!" - New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster.

Suite Surrender (2017)

ISBN: 9781537898278 bzw. 1537898272, in Englisch, Bright Moon Books, Bright Moon Books, Bright Moon Books, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, in-stock.
SUITE SURRENDER - Shelli manages the naughty, exclusive Scimitar Hotel, but her own love life is pretty boring. Getting snowed in on the mountaintop with hot co-worker Tyler means acting out a fantasy she'll never forget. "All three novellas feature likable characters in sensuous scenarios. What sets Maynard's work apart from others in this genre is that she develops her characters and plotlines to the extent that the reader cares about what happens outside of the bedroom as well as within it." - Romantic Times Bookreviews'sUITE FANTASY is sweet, indeed. Romantic, entertaining, and sexy enough to leave you wanting more!" - New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster.
SUITE SURRENDER - Shelli manages the naughty, exclusive Scimitar Hotel, but her own love life is pretty boring. Getting snowed in on the mountaintop with hot co-worker Tyler means acting out a fantasy she'll never forget. "All three novellas feature likable characters in sensuous scenarios. What sets Maynard's work apart from others in this genre is that she develops her characters and plotlines to the extent that the reader cares about what happens outside of the bedroom as well as within it." - Romantic Times Bookreviews'sUITE FANTASY is sweet, indeed. Romantic, entertaining, and sexy enough to leave you wanting more!" - New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster.

Suite Surrender (2013)

ISBN: 9781621251408 bzw. 1621251403, in Englisch, Sassy Becca Romance, neu, E-Book.
Lieferung aus: Niederlande, Direct beschikbaar.
SUITE SURRENDER – Shelli manages the naughty, exclusive Scimitar Hotel, but her own love life is pretty boring. Getting snowed in on the mountaintop with hot co-worker Tyler means acting out a fantasy she’ll never forget. “All three novellas feature likable characters in sensuous scenarios. What sets Maynard’s work apart from others in this genre is that she develops her characters and plotlines to the extent that the reader cares about what happens outside of the bedroom as well as within it.” – Romantic Times Bookreviews “SUITE FANTASY is sweet, indeed. Romantic, entertaining, and sexy enough to leave you wanting more!” – New York Times bestselling author Lori FosterTaal: Engels;Formaat: Epub zonder kopieerbeveiliging (DRM) ;Kopieerrechten: Het kopiëren van (delen van) de pagina's is niet toegestaan ;Verschijningsdatum: november 2013;ISBN10: 1621251403;ISBN13: 9781621251408; Engelstalig | Ebook | 2013.
SUITE SURRENDER – Shelli manages the naughty, exclusive Scimitar Hotel, but her own love life is pretty boring. Getting snowed in on the mountaintop with hot co-worker Tyler means acting out a fantasy she’ll never forget. “All three novellas feature likable characters in sensuous scenarios. What sets Maynard’s work apart from others in this genre is that she develops her characters and plotlines to the extent that the reader cares about what happens outside of the bedroom as well as within it.” – Romantic Times Bookreviews “SUITE FANTASY is sweet, indeed. Romantic, entertaining, and sexy enough to leave you wanting more!” – New York Times bestselling author Lori FosterTaal: Engels;Formaat: Epub zonder kopieerbeveiliging (DRM) ;Kopieerrechten: Het kopiëren van (delen van) de pagina's is niet toegestaan ;Verschijningsdatum: november 2013;ISBN10: 1621251403;ISBN13: 9781621251408; Engelstalig | Ebook | 2013.