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Purple Sleek 2020 Planner100%: Purple Sleek 2020 Planner (ISBN: 9781620213926) Calendar Ink, in Englisch.
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Black Sleek 2020 Planner50%: Black Sleek 2020 Planner (ISBN: 9781620213919) Calendar Ink, in Englisch.
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Purple Sleek 2020 Planner - 2 Angebote vergleichen

Bester Preis: 13,58 (vom 31.08.2019)
9781620213919 - Black Sleek 2020 Planner

Black Sleek 2020 Planner

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN NW

ISBN: 9781620213919 bzw. 1620213915, in Englisch, Calendar Ink, neu.

15,40 ($ 16,99)¹ + Versand: 6,33 ($ 6,99)¹ = 21,73 ($ 23,98)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock.
Plan out your year with the Black Sleek Planner. Made with high quality paper this planner is sure to help you through your day, week or month. This planner is perfect to carry and easily helps to keep track of important dates, contacts, and other events at a glance. Each calendar month is easy to glance at and see what responsibilities you have coming up, so make sure you stay organized through the year! Personalization is easy with different colors for appointments and trips, add stickers or stickie notes for a quick reference, or create your own system of symbols and abbreviations.Calendars.com EXCLUSIVE title!New Planner StylePrinted on high-quality paperKeep track of important dates, contacts, and other eventsIncludes all major public and culturally significant holidays.Easily plan and personalize your plannerEasily carry throughout the yearGive as a gift for any occasionStay organized all year with your favorite calendarGreat for busy families, students, and professionalsPairs perfectly with stickers, notebooks, and your favorite pensAbout Calendar InkCalendar Ink is the calendar publishing division of Calendar Holdings LLC. Calendar Ink publishes a broad assortment of wall calendars -- in both Deluxe 12x14 and Standard 12x12 sizes -- mini calendars, boxed calendars, pocket planners, engagements, and special formats. Calendar Ink's calendars represent the quality and value that their customers have come to expect & the company is proud to carry and sell.Why Calendars?Hectic life? Get and stay organized! Organize your days and make time for yourself with one of our planner calendars. Monthly planner calendars keep you organized throughout the year. Conveniently sized and designed with care for those who want a handy method of organizing their days. These appointment planners come in weekly or monthly views in a wide selection to fit your own personal style. Daily, weekly, monthly, academic, 12 and 16 months – whether you want something for school, work, your family, your clients, or keeping track of your goals – we have it all. Express yourself by adding stickers, washi tape, and sticky notes. Or, create your own system of colors, symbols, and abbreviations for quick reference. Make each planner your own and plan out your week for special dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, doctor appointments, class projects and more. Offering more than a dozen features, these planners are all in one with as a planner and notebook. Stay on top of your busy life and never forget an appointment or risk being late to that important date.
9781620213926 - Purple Sleek 2020 Planner

Purple Sleek 2020 Planner

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN NW

ISBN: 9781620213926 bzw. 1620213923, in Englisch, Calendar Ink, neu.

13,58 ($ 14,99)¹ + Versand: 6,33 ($ 6,99)¹ = 19,91 ($ 21,98)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock.
Plan out your year with the Purple Sleek Planner. Made with high quality paper this planner is sure to help you through your day, week or month. This planner is perfect to carry and easily helps to keep track of important dates, contacts, and other events at a glance. Each calendar month is easy to glance at and see what responsibilities you have coming up, so make sure you stay organized through the year! Personalization is easy with different colors for appointments and trips, add stickers or stickie notes for a quick reference, or create your own system of symbols and abbreviations.Calendars.com EXCLUSIVE title!New Planner StylePrinted on high-quality paperKeep track of important dates, contacts, and other eventsIncludes all major public and culturally significant holidays.Easily plan and personalize your plannerEasily carry throughout the yearGive as a gift for any occasionStay organized all year with your favorite calendarGreat for busy families, students, and professionalsPairs perfectly with stickers, notebooks, and your favorite pensAbout Calendar InkCalendar Ink is the calendar publishing division of Calendar Holdings LLC. Calendar Ink publishes a broad assortment of wall calendars -- in both Deluxe 12x14 and Standard 12x12 sizes -- mini calendars, boxed calendars, pocket planners, engagements, and special formats. Calendar Ink's calendars represent the quality and value that their customers have come to expect the company is proud to carry and sell.Why Calendars?Hectic life? Get and stay organized! Organize your days and make time for yourself with one of our planner calendars. Monthly planner calendars keep you organized throughout the year. Conveniently sized and designed with care for those who want a handy method of organizing their days. These appointment planners come in weekly or monthly views in a wide selection to fit your own personal style. Daily, weekly, monthly, academic, 12 and 16 months – whether you want something for school, work, your family, your clients, or keeping track of your goals – we have it all. Express yourself by adding stickers, washi tape, and sticky notes. Or, create your own system of colors, symbols, and abbreviations for quick reference. Make each planner your own and plan out your week for special dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, doctor appointments, class projects and more. Offering more than a dozen features, these planners are all in one with as a planner and notebook. Stay on top of your busy life and never forget an appointment or risk being late to that important date.