Deathless , Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 684min - ein Angebot gefunden
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Deathless , Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 684min
ISBN: 9781441870445 bzw. 144187044X, in Englisch, Brilliance Audio, neu, Hörbuch, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Deutschland, Free shipping, audiobook for download.
Koschei the Deathless is to Russian folklore what devils or wicked witches are to Western European culture: a menacing, evil figure; the villain of countless stories.... Koschei the Deathless is to Russian folklore what devils or wicked witches are to Western European culture: a menacing, evil figure, the villain of countless stories that have been passed on through story and text for generations. But Koschei has never before been seen through the eyes of Catherynne Valente, whose modernized and transformed take on the legend brings the action to modern times, spanning many of the great developments of Russian history in the 20th century. Deathless, however, is no dry, historical tome: it lights up like fire as the young Marya Morevna transforms from a clever child of the revolution, to Koschei’s beautiful bride, to his eventual undoing. Along the way, there are Stalinist house elves, magical quests, secrecy and bureaucracy, and games of lust and power. All told, Deathless is a collision of magical history and actual history, of revolution and mythology, of love and death, which will bring Russian myth back to life in a stunning new incarnation. 1. Language: English. Narrator: Kim de Blecourt. Audio sample: Digital audiobook in aax.
Koschei the Deathless is to Russian folklore what devils or wicked witches are to Western European culture: a menacing, evil figure; the villain of countless stories.... Koschei the Deathless is to Russian folklore what devils or wicked witches are to Western European culture: a menacing, evil figure, the villain of countless stories that have been passed on through story and text for generations. But Koschei has never before been seen through the eyes of Catherynne Valente, whose modernized and transformed take on the legend brings the action to modern times, spanning many of the great developments of Russian history in the 20th century. Deathless, however, is no dry, historical tome: it lights up like fire as the young Marya Morevna transforms from a clever child of the revolution, to Koschei’s beautiful bride, to his eventual undoing. Along the way, there are Stalinist house elves, magical quests, secrecy and bureaucracy, and games of lust and power. All told, Deathless is a collision of magical history and actual history, of revolution and mythology, of love and death, which will bring Russian myth back to life in a stunning new incarnation. 1. Language: English. Narrator: Kim de Blecourt. Audio sample: Digital audiobook in aax.
Kategorie: Sonstige
Daten vom 17.04.2018 07:21h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 1-4418-7044-X, 978-1-4418-7044-5
Daten vom 17.04.2018 07:21h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 1-4418-7044-X, 978-1-4418-7044-5
Zuerst gefunden: 17.04.2018 07:21:18
Zuletzt gefunden: 17.04.2018 07:21:20
Kleinster Preis: € 21,95 (vom 17.04.2018 07:21:18)
Höchster Preis: € 21,95 (vom 17.04.2018 07:21:18)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 2
Zuletzt gefunden: 17.04.2018 07:21:20
Kleinster Preis: € 21,95 (vom 17.04.2018 07:21:18)
Höchster Preis: € 21,95 (vom 17.04.2018 07:21:18)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 2
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