UFO Reports Declassified - Ministry of Defense Vol 1
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Bester Preis: € 15,57 (vom 09.04.2017)1
UFO Reports Declassified - Ministry of Defense Vol 1
ISBN: 9781326800307 bzw. 1326800302, in Englisch, Lulu.com, neu.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, in-stock.
The only Ministry of Defence UFO reports books in print. This book contains a wide range of official UFO-related documents released by the Ministry of Defence. All material contained within this book was initially scanned-in by staff at the MoD. We've worked hard to digitally restore, resize and reorganise all pages within this book. So if you're curious to find out more about an extra-terrestrial craft landing in Rendlesham Forest, strange lights in the sky over Waterloo Bridge, near misses reported by pilots and even close encounters by members of the public. An exactly what the UK government, military thought of it all this is the place to start.
The only Ministry of Defence UFO reports books in print. This book contains a wide range of official UFO-related documents released by the Ministry of Defence. All material contained within this book was initially scanned-in by staff at the MoD. We've worked hard to digitally restore, resize and reorganise all pages within this book. So if you're curious to find out more about an extra-terrestrial craft landing in Rendlesham Forest, strange lights in the sky over Waterloo Bridge, near misses reported by pilots and even close encounters by members of the public. An exactly what the UK government, military thought of it all this is the place to start.
UFO Reports Declassified - Ministry Of Defense Vol 1
ISBN: 9781326800307 bzw. 1326800302, Band: 1, in Englisch, Lulu.com, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock.
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