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100%: Oliver, Dennis: STUG: Assault Gun Units in the East, Bagration to Berlin. Vol II (ISBN: 9780987601346) 2014, ADH Publishing, in Englisch, Bände: 1, 2, Taschenbuch.
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90%: Oliver, Dennis.: STUG ASSAULT GUN UNITS IN THE EAST, BAGRATION TO BERLIN : VOL I (ISBN: 9780980659382) 2012, ADH Publishing, in Englisch, Band: 1, Taschenbuch.
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STUG: Assault Gun Units in the East, Bagration to Berlin. Vol II
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STUG: Assault Gun Units in the East, Bagration to Berlin. Vol II (2014)

ISBN: 9780987601346 bzw. 0987601342, Bände: 1, 2, vermutlich in Englisch, ADH Publishing, Taschenbuch, gebraucht, guter Zustand.
Lieferung aus: Australien, Versandkosten nach: DEU.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Viceroy Books.
ADH Publishing, 2014. New book, 33 pages. The second and final part of STUG: Assault Gun Units In The East. In volume 1 we covered the independent StuG Battalions and the Panzerjaeger companies attached to Infantry divisions equipped with the StuG III and IV and in this book we examine the units of the Waffen SS, the Luftwaffe and the Panzer divisions - some of which contained mixed battalions of tanks and assault guns. We have also had the assistance of Professor Yuri Shepelev who has been able to access the photo resources of the St Petersburg State Archive.. Soft Cover. As New. Illus. by Oliver, Dennis. 4to - over 9¾" - 12" tall.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Viceroy Books.
ADH Publishing, 2014. New book, 33 pages. The second and final part of STUG: Assault Gun Units In The East. In volume 1 we covered the independent StuG Battalions and the Panzerjaeger companies attached to Infantry divisions equipped with the StuG III and IV and in this book we examine the units of the Waffen SS, the Luftwaffe and the Panzer divisions - some of which contained mixed battalions of tanks and assault guns. We have also had the assistance of Professor Yuri Shepelev who has been able to access the photo resources of the St Petersburg State Archive.. Soft Cover. As New. Illus. by Oliver, Dennis. 4to - over 9¾" - 12" tall.

ISBN: 9780980659382 bzw. 0980659388, Band: 1, vermutlich in Englisch, ADH Publishing, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, Versandkosten nach: DEU.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Paul Meekins Military & History Books.
ADH Publishing. New. 2012. Paperback. Firefly Collection 2. New paperback copies. ; Volume One. Sturmgeschutz III and Sturmgeschutz IV and their deployment in the final months of the conflict. Illustrated with wartime b/w photographs and colour illustrations. With organisational and equipment charts, unit histories and maps. ; 33 pages .
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Paul Meekins Military & History Books.
ADH Publishing. New. 2012. Paperback. Firefly Collection 2. New paperback copies. ; Volume One. Sturmgeschutz III and Sturmgeschutz IV and their deployment in the final months of the conflict. Illustrated with wartime b/w photographs and colour illustrations. With organisational and equipment charts, unit histories and maps. ; 33 pages .