Hallams Aquaponic Gardening - Book of Plans - 3 Angebote vergleichen

Bester Preis: 13,76 (vom 30.10.2017)
9780987560230 - Murray Hallam: Hallams Aquaponic Gardening - Book of Plans
Murray Hallam

Hallams Aquaponic Gardening - Book of Plans

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9780987560230 bzw. 0987560239, in Englisch, Team Economics Pty Ltd, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

Lieferung aus: Deutschland, E-Book zum Download.
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO BUILD YOUR OWN HOME AQUAPONICS SYSTEM. Over 1000 Auqaponics system builds around the world on the Three Tote system plans alone! Murray Hallam is the best known face in the world-wide aquaponics movement. He is best known around the world, for his outstanding aquaponics full length video series: Aquaponics Made Easy, Aquaponics Secrets, and DIY Aquaponics. Building Aquaponics systems is Murrays stock and trade. Four individual build projects; 1. INDY 11 standard plan set. 2. Three bed tote system. 3. Wicking bed secrets. Complete build instructions. 4. Use recycled bathtubs to make a very low cost home system. Over 180 photographs, illustrations and diagrams. Bill of quantities for each of the four projects. Plumbing mysteries unravelled.
9780987560230 - Murray Hallam: Hallam´s Aquaponic Gardening
Murray Hallam

Hallam´s Aquaponic Gardening

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9780987560230 bzw. 0987560239, in Englisch, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

Lieferung aus: Deutschland, Versandkosten.
Book of Plans, Book of Plans.
9780987560230 - Murray Hallam: s Aquaponic Gardening: Book of Plans
Murray Hallam

s Aquaponic Gardening: Book of Plans

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN NW EB

ISBN: 9780987560230 bzw. 0987560239, in Englisch, Team Economics Pty Ltd, neu, E-Book.

13,76 ($ 15,99)¹
versandkostenfrei, unverbindlich
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock.
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