Emerald Fortune - 2 Angebote vergleichen

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9780985836016 - Louella Nelson: Emerald Fortune
Louella Nelson

Emerald Fortune (2012)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9780985836016 bzw. 0985836016, in Englisch, Smashwords Edition, Smashwords Edition, Smashwords Edition, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

Lieferung aus: Deutschland, in-stock.
Emerald Fortune, a novel of international intrigue, revenge, and romance."Nelson is clearly a master storyteller." -Blake Likins, Middletown, CT (reviewer of Mail-Order Mate, available at most online bookstores)Love drives the stakes even higher in this romantic suspense featuring a loner ex-federal agent, a gorgeous widow in London, and the fabulous Garden Emerald they both want. In Mail-Order Mate, mysterious gemstone agent Michael Stone delivers the wedding rings. Now with his own story, Mickey seeks the emerald to restore his ruined career. But the beautiful Laura Marley seeks the emerald to protect her family, and with money and connections, she drives a hard bargain. She insists on coming with him. As Mickey goes after the emerald, Laura becomes a liability when they confront a waterfront kingpin who keeps a six-foot shark in his office aquarium (not just for company), a killer in rainy New Orleans, and a gem-rustler in Los Angeles whose key weapon is the double-cross.
9780985836016 - Louella Nelson: Emerald Fortune
Louella Nelson

Emerald Fortune (2015)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Niederlande EN NW EB

ISBN: 9780985836016 bzw. 0985836016, in Englisch, Smashwords Edition, neu, E-Book.

Lieferung aus: Niederlande, Direct beschikbaar.
Emerald Fortune, a novel of international intrigue, revenge, and romance. “Nelson is clearly a master storyteller.” –Blake Likins, Middletown, CT (reviewer of Mail-Order Mate, available at most online bookstores) Love drives the stakes even higher in this romantic suspense featuring a loner ex-federal agent, a gorgeous widow in London, and the fabulous Garden Emerald they both want. In Mail-Order Mate, mysterious gemstone agent Michael Stone delivers the wedding rings. Now with his own story, Micke... Emerald Fortune, a novel of international intrigue, revenge, and romance. “Nelson is clearly a master storyteller.” –Blake Likins, Middletown, CT (reviewer of Mail-Order Mate, available at most online bookstores) Love drives the stakes even higher in this romantic suspense featuring a loner ex-federal agent, a gorgeous widow in London, and the fabulous Garden Emerald they both want. In Mail-Order Mate, mysterious gemstone agent Michael Stone delivers the wedding rings. Now with his own story, Mickey seeks the emerald to restore his ruined career. But the beautiful Laura Marley seeks the emerald to protect her family, and with money and connections, she drives a hard bargain. She insists on coming with him. As Mickey goes after the emerald, Laura becomes a liability when they confront a waterfront kingpin who keeps a six-foot shark in his office aquarium (not just for company), a killer in rainy New Orleans, and a gem-rustler in Los Angeles whose key weapon is the double-cross. Productinformatie:Taal: Engels;Formaat: Epub zonder kopieerbeveiliging (DRM) ;Kopieerrechten: Het kopiëren van (delen van) de pagina's is niet toegestaan ;ISBN10: 0985836016;ISBN13: 9780985836016; Engels | Ebook | 2015.