The Lippolik Conundrum - 5 Angebote vergleichen

Bester Preis: 19,05 (vom 22.04.2017)
9780984228713 - Kami Dee Helm, Designer: Jeremy Daniel Helm: The Lippolik Conundrum
Kami Dee Helm, Designer: Jeremy Daniel Helm

The Lippolik Conundrum (2009)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN HC US

ISBN: 9780984228713 bzw. 0984228713, in Englisch, 270 Seiten, Helm Production, gebundenes Buch, gebraucht.

22,58 ($ 24,23)¹ + Versand: 3,72 ($ 3,99)¹ = 26,30 ($ 28,22)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Usually ships in 1-2 business days.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, super_star_seller.
The Lippolik Conundrum: Book One in The Conundrum Series by Kami Helm (270 Page - Young Adult / Sci Fi - Fantasy / Magic) On the night of Evy Henley's thirteenth birthday, her life is forever changed. She becomes cursed with strange powers solely because she is a descendant of the Lippoliks. For four generations, the superstitious Lippoliks have lived isolated and hidden, afflicted with odd powers from an untold source. Evy does not think that her life could get any more complicated, and then, she discovers a kangaroo in the woods with a purple butt. After that, her life spirals into an adventure of unimaginable proportions as her strange encounters get even stranger. When one of the Lippolik's own bloodline destroys the country and crowns himself King, Evy will have to unite a family that has isolated themselves for over a century. Together, they will have to battle a great evil who has gathered an army of Snake Pirates looking for trouble and enraged animal spies bent on revenge., Hardcover, Label: Helm Production, Helm Production, Product group: Book, Published: 2009-11-16, Studio: Helm Production, Sales rank: 16222941.
9780984228713 - Helm, Kami Dee: The Lippolik Conundrum
Helm, Kami Dee

The Lippolik Conundrum (2009)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN HC US

ISBN: 9780984228713 bzw. 0984228713, in Englisch, Helm Production, gebundenes Buch, gebraucht.

39,57 ($ 42,45)¹ + Versand: 3,72 ($ 3,99)¹ = 43,29 ($ 46,44)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Shipping costs to: USA.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, M and N Media.
Helm Production. Hardcover. 0984228713 We guarantee all of our items - customer service and satisfaction are our top priorities. Please allow 4 - 14 business days for Standard shipping, within the US. Thank you for supporting our small, family-owned business! . Fair. 2009-11-16.
9780984228713 - Helm, Kami Dee: The Lippolik Conundrum
Helm, Kami Dee

The Lippolik Conundrum (2009)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN HC NW

ISBN: 9780984228713 bzw. 0984228713, in Englisch, Helm Production, gebundenes Buch, neu.

39,52 ($ 42,40)¹ + Versand: 3,72 ($ 3,99)¹ = 43,24 ($ 46,39)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Shipping costs to: USA.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, M and N Media.
Helm Production. Hardcover. 0984228713 We guarantee all of our items - customer service and satisfaction are our top priorities. Please allow 4 - 14 business days for Standard shipping, within the US. Thank you for supporting our small, family-owned business! . New. 2009-11-16.
9780984228713 - Helm, Kami Dee and Helm, Jeremy Daniel: The Lippolik Conundrum
Helm, Kami Dee and Helm, Jeremy Daniel

The Lippolik Conundrum (2014)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN HC NW

ISBN: 9780984228713 bzw. 0984228713, in Englisch, HELM PUB 01/10/2014, gebundenes Buch, neu.

24,58 ($ 26,37)¹ + Versand: 8,38 ($ 8,99)¹ = 32,96 ($ 35,36)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Shipping costs to: USA.
Von Händler/Antiquariat,
HELM PUB 01/10/2014. Hardcover. New. NEW BOOK.
9780984228713 - Helm, Kami Dee, and Helm, Jeremy Daniel (Designer): The Lippolik Conundrum
Helm, Kami Dee, and Helm, Jeremy Daniel (Designer)

The Lippolik Conundrum (2009)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN HC NW

ISBN: 9780984228713 bzw. 0984228713, in Englisch, Helm Production, gebundenes Buch, neu.

Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, plus shipping, Shipping area: STOCKNEW.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Alibris, NV, Sparks, [RE:5].
Hard cover.