Rose Moon, 2nd edition - ein Angebot gefunden

Bester Preis: 3,52 (vom 22.06.2016)
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9780983813736 - Robert Stikmanz: Rose Moon, 2nd edition
Robert Stikmanz

Rose Moon, 2nd edition (2015)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Frankreich EN NW EB DL

ISBN: 9780983813736 bzw. 0983813736, in Englisch, 2. Ausgabe, Smashwords Edition, Smashwords Edition, Smashwords Edition, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.

Lieferung aus: Frankreich, in-stock.
In a post-petroleum future, Bigger MacGregor reigns as a brilliant, inventive designer of human-powered technology. His isolated workshop is famous for innovation and craft. The order of his routines is overthrown when Eanna, fierce and enigmatic, arrives from nowhere in a broken pedal-car. Days of discovery follow nights of passion as they battle a bizarre foe across shifting realities."This little book is a wonderful journey to a futuristic reality colliding with a war between ancient gods. Simply fantastic writing. Go getcha some." -Paul Elard Cooley, author of Garaaga's Children and The Black"It is only when one is about a third of the way through Rose Moon that one begins to recall 'it has been a long time since I have read such exquisite writing.' Each word has been selected for the story with such exactitude one forgets they are reading, finding themselves, instead, delightfully posited on a journey, a saga, if you will, and it rolls the senses and the intellect as hotly as anything Rome, the Greek Classicists, or Elmore Leonard had to offer." -Gary Warner Kent, writer/director of The Pyramid and Rainy Day Friends, and author of Shadows & Light: Journeys with Outlaws in Revolutionary Hollywood.
Kategorie: Romance
Schlüsselwörter: Rose Moon, 2nd edition Robert Stikmanz Adult Romance 9780983813736
Daten vom 22.06.2016 11:08h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 0-9838137-3-6, 978-0-9838137-3-6
Zuerst gefunden: 22.06.2016 11:08:12
Zuletzt gefunden: 22.06.2016 11:08:12
Kleinster Preis: 3,52 (vom 22.06.2016 11:08:12)
Höchster Preis: 3,52 (vom 22.06.2016 11:08:12)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1

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