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100%: Dr John Herrick: The Landing als eBook von (ISBN: 9780982147054) in Englisch, auch als eBook.
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41%: Dr John Herrick: The Landing (ISBN: 9780982147009) Segue Blue, in Englisch, Taschenbuch.
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The Landing als eBook von - 7 Angebote vergleichen
Bester Preis: € 4,18 (vom 22.06.2016)1
The Landing (2012)
ISBN: 9780982147054 bzw. 0982147058, in Englisch, Smashwords Edition, Smashwords Edition, Smashwords Edition, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Lieferung aus: Kanada, in-stock.
The power of a song. It can ignite a heart, heal a soul-or for Danny Bale, resurrect a destiny. When songwriter Danny escaped to the Atlantic coast seven years ago, he laid to rest his unrequited affection for childhood friend Meghan Harting. Their communication faded with yesterday and their lives have become deadlocked. Now Danny, haunted by an inner stronghold and determined to win Meghan back, must create a masterpiece and battle for the heart of the only woman who understands his music. As memories resurface, Danny and Meghan embark on parallel journeys of self-discovery-and a collision course to seal their mutual fate. Acclaim for The Landing:"A powerful, absorbing tale, that will touch the heart and the mind as never before. A page turner."- Doug Wead, New York Times bestselling author and advisor to two presidents"Exquisite and honest. The Landing goes beyond language to pursue that elusive something that, when found, lingers and leaves you changed."- Phyllis Wallace, syndicated radio host.
The power of a song. It can ignite a heart, heal a soul-or for Danny Bale, resurrect a destiny. When songwriter Danny escaped to the Atlantic coast seven years ago, he laid to rest his unrequited affection for childhood friend Meghan Harting. Their communication faded with yesterday and their lives have become deadlocked. Now Danny, haunted by an inner stronghold and determined to win Meghan back, must create a masterpiece and battle for the heart of the only woman who understands his music. As memories resurface, Danny and Meghan embark on parallel journeys of self-discovery-and a collision course to seal their mutual fate. Acclaim for The Landing:"A powerful, absorbing tale, that will touch the heart and the mind as never before. A page turner."- Doug Wead, New York Times bestselling author and advisor to two presidents"Exquisite and honest. The Landing goes beyond language to pursue that elusive something that, when found, lingers and leaves you changed."- Phyllis Wallace, syndicated radio host.
The Landing
ISBN: 0982147007 bzw. 9780982147009, in Englisch, Segue Blue, gebraucht.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, In Stock.
fiction,literature and fiction,romance, From John Herrick, author of From The Dead and 8 Reasons Your Life Matters, Amazon best sellers (Kindle) ... The power of a song: It can ignite a heart, heal a soul-or for Danny Bale, resurrect a destiny. When songwriter Danny escaped to the Atlantic coast seven years ago, he laid to rest his unrequited affection for childhood friend Meghan Harting. Now Danny, haunted by an inner stronghold and determined to win Meghan back, must create a masterpiece and battle for the heart of the only woman who understands his music. As memories resurface, Danny and Meghan embark on parallel journeys of self-discovery-and a collision course to seal their mutual fate.For readers whose passions include mainstream fiction best sellers by Nicholas Sparks and Richard Paul Evans, as well as romance and coming of age novels.
fiction,literature and fiction,romance, From John Herrick, author of From The Dead and 8 Reasons Your Life Matters, Amazon best sellers (Kindle) ... The power of a song: It can ignite a heart, heal a soul-or for Danny Bale, resurrect a destiny. When songwriter Danny escaped to the Atlantic coast seven years ago, he laid to rest his unrequited affection for childhood friend Meghan Harting. Now Danny, haunted by an inner stronghold and determined to win Meghan back, must create a masterpiece and battle for the heart of the only woman who understands his music. As memories resurface, Danny and Meghan embark on parallel journeys of self-discovery-and a collision course to seal their mutual fate.For readers whose passions include mainstream fiction best sellers by Nicholas Sparks and Richard Paul Evans, as well as romance and coming of age novels.
The Landing (2015)
ISBN: 9780982147054 bzw. 0982147058, in Englisch, Smashwords Edition, neu, E-Book.
Lieferung aus: Niederlande, Direct beschikbaar.
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