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100%: Shaw, Chris: Counterpunch (eBook, ePUB) (ISBN: 9780980588279) Christopher Shaw, in Englisch, auch als eBook.
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87%: Shaw, Chris: Counterpunch Author (ISBN: 9780980588262) 2020, Christopher Shaw, in Englisch, Taschenbuch.
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Counterpunch (eBook, ePUB) - 6 Angebote vergleichen
Bester Preis: € 2,40 (vom 09.08.2020)1
Counterpunch (eBook, ePUB)
ISBN: 9780980588279 bzw. 0980588278, vermutlich in Englisch, Christopher Shaw, neu.
Lieferung aus: Österreich, plus shipping.
Sam Smith is an English boxer from Whitechapel in the 1960s. In Counterpunch, you can follow his incredible journey into world championship boxing. Fast-paced, action-packed and full of intrigue, Counterpunch hooks you from the first page. He came from nowhere to become a world champion.He was helped by a team of dedicated boxing has-beens.An unstoppable force, he needed the help of the FBI, SAS and the police on two continents as he rose through the ranks. He has a gift. No-one can beat him.What does he do that is so different to all other boxers?
Sam Smith is an English boxer from Whitechapel in the 1960s. In Counterpunch, you can follow his incredible journey into world championship boxing. Fast-paced, action-packed and full of intrigue, Counterpunch hooks you from the first page. He came from nowhere to become a world champion.He was helped by a team of dedicated boxing has-beens.An unstoppable force, he needed the help of the FBI, SAS and the police on two continents as he rose through the ranks. He has a gift. No-one can beat him.What does he do that is so different to all other boxers?
Counterpunch Chris Shaw Author
ISBN: 9780980588262 bzw. 098058826X, vermutlich in Englisch, Christopher Shaw, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, plus shipping.
Sam Smith is an English boxer from Whitechapel in the 1960s. In Counterpunch, you can follow his incredible journey into world championship boxing. Fast-paced, action-packed and full of intrigue, Counterpunch hooks you from the first page. He came from nowhere to become a world champion.He was helped by a team of dedicated boxing has-beens.An unstoppable force, he needed the help of the FBI, SAS and the police on two continents as he rose through the ranks. He has a gift. No-one can beat him.What does he do that is so different to all other boxers?
Sam Smith is an English boxer from Whitechapel in the 1960s. In Counterpunch, you can follow his incredible journey into world championship boxing. Fast-paced, action-packed and full of intrigue, Counterpunch hooks you from the first page. He came from nowhere to become a world champion.He was helped by a team of dedicated boxing has-beens.An unstoppable force, he needed the help of the FBI, SAS and the police on two continents as he rose through the ranks. He has a gift. No-one can beat him.What does he do that is so different to all other boxers?
Counterpunch Chris Shaw Author
ISBN: 9780980588279 bzw. 0980588278, vermutlich in Englisch, Christopher Shaw, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Sam Smith is an English boxer from Whitechapel in the 1960s. In Counterpunch, you can follow his incredible journey into world championship boxing. Fast-paced, action-packed and full of intrigue, Counterpunch hooks you from the first page. He came from nowhere to become a world champion.He was helped by a team of dedicated boxing has-beens.An unstoppable force, he needed the help of the FBI, SAS and the police on two continents as he rose through the ranks. He has a gift. No-one can beat him.What does he do that is so different to all other boxers?
ISBN: 9780980588279 bzw. 0980588278, vermutlich in Englisch, Christopher Shaw, neu, E-Book, elektronischer Download.
Counterpunch: Sam Smith is an English boxer from Whitechapel in the 1960s. In Counterpunch, you can follow his incredible journey into world championship boxing. Fast-paced, action-packed and full of intrigue, Counterpunch hooks you from the first page. Englisch, Ebook.
Counterpunch (2020)
ISBN: 9780980588262 bzw. 098058826X, vermutlich in Englisch, Christopher Shaw, Taschenbuch, neu.
Lieferung aus: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, plus shipping, Shipping area: EUR.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Booksplease, MERSEYSIDE, Southport, [RE:4].
Trade paperback.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Booksplease, MERSEYSIDE, Southport, [RE:4].
Trade paperback.