#39;s Follies - 2 Angebote vergleichen

Bester Preis: 19,21 (vom 29.06.2017)
9780980490305 - Kerr Martin & Harry Brutnall: s Follies
Kerr Martin & Harry Brutnall

s Follies (2008)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Australien EN NW

ISBN: 9780980490305 bzw. 0980490308, in Englisch, MaskiMedia Ravenshoe, neu.

19,21 ($ 21,86)¹ + Versand: 20,58 ($ 23,42)¹ = 39,79 ($ 45,28)¹
Lieferung aus: Australien, Shipping costs to: USA.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, William Adrian McGrath Bookseller.
Ravenshoe, Queensland: MaskiMedia Ravenshoe, 2008. 1st Edition . Card cover. New. 8vo - over 7¾ - 9¾" tall. 152 pages; b/w photographs and maps; pictorial cardcover, protected;. Royal Australian Navy World War 1939-1945, Deep Sea Diving Australia, and Papua New Guinea Adventures. - This book is a record of Harry Brutnall's life as a miner, sailor, diver, shipowner and farmer. He reflects on major events in his long life with modesty and humour. Unique for many readers will be his understated comments on people and events seen from the eyes of a country lad who has well and truly served his country. His first dividing job was to retrieve bodies of his mates from HMAS Kuttabul in 1942. He cleared the propeller of a ship sent urgently to Timor to pick up Australian commandos, retrieved Japanese aircraft parts in Darwin harbour, built a slipway in Port Moresby, secured spent torpedoes in Pittwater, installed moorings in Cockburn Sound, and blasted away underwater hazards in Fremantle. Harry would be Australia's only navy diver who has spent as many hours underwater. By the time he resigned in 1950 the petty officer had established new methods of diving and underwater demolition. Harry went on to have many adventures in Papua New Guinea and a few in Australia as well.
9780980490305 - Kerr Martin & Harry Brutnall: s Follies
Kerr Martin & Harry Brutnall

s Follies (2008)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Australien EN PB NW FE

ISBN: 9780980490305 bzw. 0980490308, in Englisch, MaskiMedia Ravenshoe, Ravenshoe, Queensland, Taschenbuch, neu, Erstausgabe.

19,35 ($ 22,02)¹ + Versand: 22,28 ($ 25,35)¹ = 41,63 ($ 47,37)¹
Von Händler/Antiquariat, Pacific Book House [14383], GOLD COAST, QLD, Australia.
152 pages; b/w photographs and maps; pictorial cardcover, protected; Royal Australian Navy World War 1939-1945, Deep Sea Diving Australia, and Papua New Guinea Adventures. - This book is a record of Harry Brutnall's life as a miner, sailor, diver, shipowner and farmer. He reflects on major events in his long life with modesty and humour. Unique for many readers will be his understated comments on people and events seen from the eyes of a country lad who has well and truly served his country. His first dividing job was to retrieve bodies of his mates from HMAS Kuttabul in 1942. He cleared the propeller of a ship sent urgently to Timor to pick up Australian commandos, retrieved Japanese aircraft parts in Darwin harbour, built a slipway in Port Moresby, secured spent torpedoes in Pittwater, installed moorings in Cockburn Sound, and blasted away underwater hazards in Fremantle. Harry would be Australia's only navy diver who has spent as many hours underwater. By the time he resigned in 1950 the petty officer had established new methods of diving and underwater demolition. Harry went on to have many adventures in Papua New Guinea and a few in Australia as well.