When We Remember: Inspiration & Integrity for a Meaningful Funera l
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Bester Preis: 5,07 (vom 16.11.2023)
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Melissa Abraham

When We Remember: Inspiration & Integrity for a Meaningful Funera l (2007)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Neuseeland ~EN HC US

ISBN: 9780980351002 bzw. 0980351006, vermutlich in Englisch, Three Things, gebundenes Buch, gebraucht, guter Zustand.

5,07 ($ 5,51)¹ + Versand: 19,14 ($ 20,80)¹ = 24,21 ($ 26,31)¹
Lieferung aus: Neuseeland, Versandkosten nach: DEU.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, bookexpress.co.nz.
Three Things. Good. 210 x 235mm. Hardcover. 2007. 220 pages. Bookplate. When We Remember focuses on the critical first week following a death - an intense, emotional crisis peri od when guidance can make a profound and positive difference to t he grief journey. This unique, generous and highly-acclaimed reso urce draws on many decades of experiences, particularly in unders tanding the power of music and prose in the rituals of our lives. Starting at a basic level, families are taken step-by-step throu gh the first few days when a loved one dies. Gentle suggestions b egin traditionally, moving through to more creative and personal inspiration for creating a meaningful tribute. When We Remember h ighlights the vital emotional role of a memorial event, and the l ong-term benefits of knowing what to do at the time. Every cultur e throughout history has attached ritual and significance to the passing of a loved one, and modern funerals draw on these roots. We can find comfort in the footsteps of tradition, or the signifi cance of individual tributes. We remember that grief is a journey , not a destination, and a funeral is a vital first signpost. Fun erals mark both the physical separation from the person that has died, and a renewal of friends and family ties for the time ahead . This complete resource breaks the taboo surrounding death and w ill support and guide you through the beginning of life s most di fficult journey, the loss of a loved one. If you are preparing fo r an expected death, coping with the intense shock of an unexpect ed death, or simply sharing your life with friends and family, Wh en We Remember is essential reading in every household. Research and consultation was guided in USA, UK and Australia by many skil led hands, including funeral directors, religious leaders, secula r celebrants, psychologists and of course many generous families and individuals. * Outstanding photography and graphics to ensure than the entire resource is as useful, easy to read, comforting and inspiring as possible. * Highly practical and inspirational g uide to preparing and delivering a eulogy. * More than 70 of the world's best loved poetry and readings, including some from the B ible and other religious texts. Stop all the clocks... (Auden) Yo u can shed tears because she is gone, or you can smile because sh e has lived. . . (Anon) Death is nothing at all, I have only slip ped into the next room. . . (Holland) . . . tis better to have lo ved and lost than never to have loved at all. (Tennyson) . . .If there s another world, he lives in bliss; If there is none, he ma de the best of this. (Burns) . . .and until we meet again, may Go d hold you in the palm of His hand. (Trad Gaelic) * One hour prof essional music CD with beautifully recorded classics in a format specific for 3 minute reflections, including Amazing Grace (bagpi pes), Abide With Me (full choir and orchestra), Beethoven, Mozart , Bach, Faure, Handel, Saint-Saëns and Albinoni. * More than 100 popular song listings to help inspire your own memories. Just som e examples of the many from each decade 1930 Goodnight Sweetheart (Guy Lombardo) 1940 Sentimental Journey (Doris Day) Now is the H our (Bing Crosby) 1950 Dream (Everly Brothers) Too Young (Nat Kin g Cole) 1960 Forever Young (Bob Dylan) In My Life (Beatles) Let I t Be (Beatles) 1970 Bright Eyes (Simon & Garfunkel) Fire & Rain ( James Taylor) When I Get Where I m Going (Brad Paisley & Dolly Pa rton) 1980 Simply the Best (Tina Turner) Wind Beneath My Wings (B etter Midler) Don t Worry Be Happy (Bobby McFerrin) 1990 Angels ( Robbie Williams) Fields of Gold (Eva Cassidy or Sting) Lullaby (B illy Joel) If I Had Only Known (Reba McEntire) Tears in Heaven (E ric Clapton) Never Tear Us Apart (INXS) I ll Be Missing You (Puff Daddy) 2000 In the Arms of the Angels (Sarah McLachlan) Goodbye My Lover (James Blunt) Who Knew (Pink) To Where You Are (Josh Gro ban) My Immortal (Evanescence Editorial Reviews .
Daten vom 16.11.2023 13:21h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 0-9803510-0-6, 978-0-9803510-0-2
Zuerst gefunden: 16.11.2023 13:22:03
Zuletzt gefunden: 16.11.2023 13:22:03
Kleinster Preis: 5,07 (vom 16.11.2023 13:22:03)
Höchster Preis: 5,07 (vom 16.11.2023 13:22:03)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 1

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