By Design: Planning Research on Higher Education by Paperback
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9780674089310 - Richard J. Light, Judith D. Singer, John B. Willett: By Design: Planning Research on Higher Education
Richard J. Light, Judith D. Singer, John B. Willett

By Design: Planning Research on Higher Education

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Kanada EN NW

ISBN: 9780674089310 bzw. 0674089316, in Englisch, Harvard, neu.

29,56 (C$ 41,41)¹
Lieferung aus: Kanada, In Stock, plus shipping.
Richard J. Light, Judith D. Singer, John B. Willett, Books, Reference and Language, By Design: Planning Research on Higher Education, Do students who work longer and harder learn more in college? Does joining a fraternity with a more academic flavor enhance a student's academic performance? When are the results from an innovation that is tried on one campus applicable to other campuses? How many students and faculty members must participate in a research project before findings are valid? Do students learn best when they study alone or in small groups?These are just some more than fifty examples that Richard Light Judith Singer and John Willett explore in By Design, a lively nontechnical sourcebook for learning about colleges and universities. These authors believe that careful design of research on college effectiveness is the single most important step toward producing useful and valid findings. In that spirit, By Design is a pathbreaking textbook of modern research methods that both practitioners and students will find useful.
9780674089310 - Richard J. Light, Judith D. Singer, John B. Willett: By Design: Planning Research on Higher Education
Richard J. Light, Judith D. Singer, John B. Willett

By Design: Planning Research on Higher Education (1990)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN PB US

ISBN: 9780674089310 bzw. 0674089316, in Englisch, 296 Seiten, Harvard University Press, Taschenbuch, gebraucht.

0,34 ($ 0,40)¹ + Versand: 14,41 ($ 16,95)¹ = 14,75 ($ 17,35)¹

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تستخدم من: $0.40 (57 ويقدم)
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Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Usually ships in 1-2 business days.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, -TextbookRush-.
Do students who work longer and harder learn more in college? Does joining a fraternity with a more academic flavor enhance a student's academic performance? When are the results from an innovation that is tried on one campus applicable to other campuses? How many students and faculty members must participate in a research project before findings are valid? Do students learn best when they study alone or in small groups? These are just some more than fifty examples that Richard Light Judith Singer and John Willett explore in By Design, a lively nontechnical sourcebook for learning about colleges and universities. These authors believe that careful design of research on college effectiveness is the single most important step toward producing useful and valid findings. In that spirit, By Design is a pathbreaking textbook of modern research methods that both practitioners and students will find useful. Paperback, التسمية: Harvard University Press, Harvard University Press, مجموعة المنتجات: Book, ونشرت: 1990-03-01, تاريخ الإصدار: 1990-03-31, ستوديو: Harvard University Press, رتبة المبيعات: 1333809.
0674089316 - Richard J. Light; Judith D. Singer; John B. Willett: By Design: Planning Research on Higher Education
Richard J. Light; Judith D. Singer; John B. Willett

By Design: Planning Research on Higher Education

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika EN US

ISBN: 0674089316 bzw. 9780674089310, in Englisch, Harvard University Press, gebraucht.

3,22 ($ 3,79)¹ + Versand: 4,24 ($ 4,99)¹ = 7,46 ($ 8,78)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, في الأوراق المالية.
college and university,education,education and reference,schools and teaching,textbooks, By Design : Planning Research on Higher Education, Do students who work longer and harder learn more in college? Does joining a fraternity with a more academic flavor enhance a student's academic performance? When are the results from an innovation that is tried on one campus applicable to other campuses? How many students and faculty members must participate in a research project before findings are valid? Do students learn best when they study alone or in small groups? These are just some more than fifty examples that Richard Light Judith Singer and John Willett explore in "By Design," a lively nontechnical sourcebook for learning about colleges and universities. These authors believe that careful design of research on college effectiveness is the single most important step toward producing useful and valid findings. In that spirit, "By Design" is a pathbreaking textbook of modern research methods that both practitioners and students will find useful.
9780674089310 - Light, Richard J. / Singer, Judith D. / Willett, John B.: By Design - Planning Research on Higher Education
Light, Richard J. / Singer, Judith D. / Willett, John B.

By Design - Planning Research on Higher Education (1990)

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Deutschland EN PB US

ISBN: 9780674089310 bzw. 0674089316, in Englisch, 272 Seiten, Harvard University Press, Taschenbuch, gebraucht.

2,90 + Versand: 1,20 = 4,10
Von Privat, Seebär08, [3659483].
Die Abbildung zeigt den Originalscan! Beschreibung auf der Buchrückseite: Do students who work longer and harder learn more in College? Does joining a fraternity with a more academic flavor enhance a student's academic Performance? When are the results from an innovation that is tried on one campus applicable to other campuses? How many students and faculty members must participate in a research project before findings are valid? Do students learn best when they study alone or in small groups? These are just some of more than fifty examples that Richard Light, Judith Singer, and John Willett explore in By Design, a lively nontechnical sourcebook for learning about Colleges and universities. The authors believe that careful design of research on College effectiveness is the Single most important step toward producing useful and valid findings. In that spirit, By Design is a pathbreaking textbook of modern research methods that both practitioners and students will find useful. Richard J. Light is Professor of Education, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University. He is the coauthor of Summing Up: The Science of Reviewing Research (Harvard University Press). Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett are Associate Professors, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University. 1990, Paperback, wie neu, 440g, 272, Internationaler Versand, Banküberweisung, Selbstabholung und Barzahlung.
9780674089310 - By Design

By Design

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika ~EN NW

ISBN: 9780674089310 bzw. 0674089316, vermutlich in Englisch, Harvard Univ Pr, neu.

16,81 ($ 18,03)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Lagernd.
By Design, 9780674089310R.
9780674089310 - By Design: Planning Research on Higher Education - Paperback NEW Richard J. Ligh

By Design: Planning Research on Higher Education - Paperback NEW Richard J. Ligh

Lieferung erfolgt aus/von: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland EN PB NW

ISBN: 9780674089310 bzw. 0674089316, in Englisch, Harvard University Press, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Taschenbuch, neu.

29,56 (£ 26,73)¹ + Versand: 1,11 (£ 1,00)¹ = 30,67 (£ 27,73)¹
Lieferung aus: Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland, نوع التسليم: Flat, التسليم: في جميع أنحاء العالم, موقع العرض: United Kingdom.
Von Händler/Antiquariat, books_discount - Charlies_Chapters.
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