Measuring Wellbeing: Towards Sustainability? - ein Angebot gefunden
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Measuring Wellbeing: Towards Sustainability?
ISBN: 9780203113622 bzw. 0203113624, in Englisch, Routledge, neu.
Lieferung aus: Neuseeland, In Stock.
Improving wellbeing and sustainability are central goals of government but are they in conflict? This engaging new book reviews that question and its implications for public policy through a focus on indicators. It highlights tensions on the one hand between various constructs of wellbeing and sustainable development and on the other between current individual and societal notions of wellbeing. It recommends a clearer conceptual framework for policy makers regarding different wellbeing constructs which would facilitate more transparent discussions. Arguing against a win-win scenario of wellbeing and sustainability it advocates an approach based on recognising and valuing conflicting views where notions of participation and power are central to discussions. Measuring Wellbeing is divided into two parts. The first part provides a critical review of the field drawing widely on international research but contextualised within recent UK wellbeing policy discourses. The second part embeds the theory in a case study based on the authors own experience of trying to develop quality of life indicators within a local authority against the backdrop of increasing national policy interest in measuring happiness. This accessible and informative book covering uniquely both practice and theory will be of great appeal to students academics and policy makers interested in wellbeing sustainable development indicators public policy community participation power and discourse. Y137439.
Improving wellbeing and sustainability are central goals of government but are they in conflict? This engaging new book reviews that question and its implications for public policy through a focus on indicators. It highlights tensions on the one hand between various constructs of wellbeing and sustainable development and on the other between current individual and societal notions of wellbeing. It recommends a clearer conceptual framework for policy makers regarding different wellbeing constructs which would facilitate more transparent discussions. Arguing against a win-win scenario of wellbeing and sustainability it advocates an approach based on recognising and valuing conflicting views where notions of participation and power are central to discussions. Measuring Wellbeing is divided into two parts. The first part provides a critical review of the field drawing widely on international research but contextualised within recent UK wellbeing policy discourses. The second part embeds the theory in a case study based on the authors own experience of trying to develop quality of life indicators within a local authority against the backdrop of increasing national policy interest in measuring happiness. This accessible and informative book covering uniquely both practice and theory will be of great appeal to students academics and policy makers interested in wellbeing sustainable development indicators public policy community participation power and discourse. Y137439.
Kategorie: Media > Books > E-books
Daten vom 28.05.2022 10:38h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 0-203-11362-4, 978-0-203-11362-2
Daten vom 28.05.2022 10:38h
ISBN (andere Schreibweisen): 0-203-11362-4, 978-0-203-11362-2
Zuerst gefunden: 28.05.2022 10:38:30
Zuletzt gefunden: 28.05.2022 10:38:30
Kleinster Preis: € 33,78 (vom 28.05.2022 10:38:30)
Höchster Preis: € 35,51 (vom 28.05.2022 10:38:30)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 2
Zuletzt gefunden: 28.05.2022 10:38:30
Kleinster Preis: € 33,78 (vom 28.05.2022 10:38:30)
Höchster Preis: € 35,51 (vom 28.05.2022 10:38:30)
Fundstellen insgesamt: 2
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Measuring Wellbeing: Towards Sustainability?
ISBN: 9780203113622
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