Archiv für ISBNs beginnend mit 9780673524…
Sprache: Englisch
Land: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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Bücher vom/n Scott, Foresman - Verlag
- McArthur, John: The Economics of Money and Banking - Ideas and Strategies for Teachers of Elementary and Middle School Students, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524027
- Goshgarian, Gary: The Contemporary Reader, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524126, hat die Duplikate 9780673498854, 9780321207821, 9780321871893, 9780673522214, 9780205568222, 9780321083425, 9780321245083, 9780316321594, 9780316321525 und 9780205741441
- Gary Goshgarian (Editor): The Contemporary Reader by 1997 Paperback Teachers Edition of Textbook, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524133
- Peterson, Christopher: Psychology : A Biopsychosocial Approach, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524140
- Literature for Composition, Essays, Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524270
- Barnet, Sylvan; Stubbs, Marcia: I/E Prac Guide Writg W/Rdgs, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524317
- Woll, Peter: American Government: Readings and Cases (16th Edition), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524386, hat die Duplikate 9780321129772, 9780321188311, 9780321079992, 9780205697984, 9780316951531, 9780316951432, 9780316951753, 9780673520319, 9780321005090 und 9780321473141
- G. John Ikenberry, G. John Ikenberry (Editor): American Foreign Policy: Theoretical Essays (4th Edition), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524409, hat die Duplikate 9780321430205, 9780547198286, 9780321084729, 9780673398154, 9780321005076 und 9780199350834
- Robert Jervis, Editor: Robert Jervis, Editor: Robert J. Art: International Politics: Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues (8th Edition), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524416, hat die Duplikate 9780205642731, 9780673521613, 9780205778768, 9780133807738, 9780134482019, 9780321005250, 9780205851645, 9780321209474, 9780135175798 und 9780321300652
- Field, Mona; Sohner, Charles P.: California Government and Politics Today Seventh / 7th Edition [California Politics Government Political Science], EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524447, hat das Duplikat 9780673398949
- Halio, and Druliner: Using WordPerfect Compos by 1997 Paperback, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524485
- Oliva, Peter F.: Developing the Curriculum, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524553, hat die Duplikate 9780205412594, 9780132888059, 9780134800387, 9780205593507, 9780133465815, 9780132734509, 9780673521958 und 9780316649957
- James Lockard, Peter D. Abrams, Wesley A. Many: Microcomputers for Twenty-first Century Educators (4th Edition), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524560, hat die Duplikate 9780321037831, 9780205445363 und 9780205380893
- Vacca, Richard T.; Vacca, Jo Anne L.: Content Area Reading: Literacy and Learning Across the Curriculum, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524577, hat die Duplikate 9780673398208, 9780134068831, 9780205410316, 9780135224625, 9780131381438, 9780137035113, 9780133066784, 9780132779401, 9780205532155 und 9780321003638
- Mayberry, Katherine J.; Golden, Robert E.: For Argument's Sake: A Guide to Writing Effective Arguments, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524591, hat die Duplikate 9780321245090, 9780321014672, 9780321401212, 9780321085047, 9780673398260 und 9780618917952
- Virginia Gray; Peter Eisinger: American States and Cities (2nd Edition), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524614
- Wildavsky, Aaron; Caiden, Naomi: The New Politics of the Budgetary Process, Fifth Edition (Longman Classics Series), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524621, hat die Duplikate 9780321159670, 9780321042552, 9780316940405 und 9780316940412
- Eugene Ehrlich: The Oxford American Dictionary by 1997 Hardcover, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524669
- Neal R. Tannahill: Texas Government: Policy and Politics (9th Edition), EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524690, hat die Duplikate 9780321414663, 9780205621446, 9780321202826, 9780205573073, 9780205254408, 9780321044976, 9780205975020, 9780205746750, 9780321005052 und 9780205210558
- Tannahill, Neal R. : Texas Government : Policy and Politics, Brief Edition, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524706
- Editor: Gabriel Abraham Almond, Editor: G. Bingham, Jr. Powell, Editor: Gabriel A. Almind: Comparative Politics Today: World View, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524744, hat die Duplikate 9780205704019, 9780205589760, 9780673397058, 9780673520296, 9780132434157, 9780205096671, 9780321018588, 9780132298667, 9780316034920 und 9780316034883
- Behrens, Laurence, and Rosen, Leonard J: Writing Reading across the Curriculum, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524751, hat das Duplikat 9780133999631
- BEHRENS, and Rosen: Writing Reading Across Curriculum by 1997 Hardcover Teachers Edition of Textbook, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524768, hat das Duplikat 9780133947366
- Almond, Gabriel A., Powell, G. Bingham, Jr., Mundt, Robert J.: Comparative Politics: Theoretical Framework, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524805, hat das Duplikat 9780673522825
- Mark E. Roszkowski and Gregory J. Naples: Business Law by 1997 Paperback Student Edition of Textbook, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524812
- McWhorter, Kathleen T.: Guide to College Reading, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524904, hat die Duplikate 9780321276476, 9780205013470, 9780205823246, 9780134105130, 9780321959904, 9780321037947, 9780321037930, 9780321086990 und 9780321921451
- McWhorter, Kathleen T.: Guide to College Reading instructor's edition, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524911
- Lannon, John M.: The Writing Process: A Concise Rhetoric/1995 Mla Guidelines, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524928, hat die Duplikate 9780673396716, 9780673521330, 9780316514545, 9780316514378, 9780201474909, 9780201742237 und 9780673523990
- Barnet, Sylvan, and Stubbs, Marcia: Stubb's Practical Guide to Writing with Readings, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524935, hat die Duplikate 9780316081559, 9780673523297, 9780316082150, 9780316082365, 9780201729986, 9780316081580, 9780316082372, 9780316081535, 9780673391902 und 9780673398789
- J. William T. Youngs, Illustrator: Cecly Moon: American Realities: Historical Episodes From the First Settlements to the Civil War, Vol. 1, 4th Edition, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524959, hat die Duplikate 9780316977296, 9780321157072, 9780316977418, 9780316977272, 9780673522399 und 9780321157089
- Youngs, J. William T.: American Realities: Historical Episodes From Reconstruction to the Present Volume 2 Fourth 4th Edition, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524966, hat die Duplikate 9780673522405, 9780673393623, 9780321070968 und 9780205764136
- Krugman, Paul (Editor), and Obstfeld, Maurice (Editor): International Economics : Theory & Policy Study Guide, EAN bzw. ISBN: 9780673524980